Solo Hunt

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Uru's POV

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Uru's POV

Tama, Nala and I are now young adults. Nuka, Dotty and Spotty should be the size of teenagers. But with food so scarce, it's stunted their growth a little. We're all starting to lose weight. If this keeps up, we'll all die of starvation. Especially if the herds leave for good. They are so far from pride rock now, it's takes a day to find any prey. Digger and her two sisters have started to learn how to hunt. Zira and most of her girls will leave to take them on a hunting trip in a few months.

Speaking of hunting, I am on a solo hunt. I'm tracking a group of antelope across the rocky plains. It's only a small herd, but if I succeed. It'll be my first kill alone. Tama and Nala are also on solo hunts. Recently Tama has been acting secretive. Sneaking out and staying up late. She comes home smelling horrible, like she is trying to mask a scent on her.

I crouch down low, using the tall grass as cover as I silently stalk towards the grazing herd. Staying focused on them. I spot my target and turn my paws over as I stalk closer. I stay down wind of the herd. I'm finally in striking distance and prepare to pounce.

I then launch myself at the herd. They scatter and I focus on my target. Dividing it from the herd. I leap and tackle it to the ground. I bite it's neck, killing it quickly. "Very nicely done" a male voice says. I turn and snarl at the rogue male. I notice he has a scar over his eye and scars on his hind quarters. "Whoa, chill gorgeous. I mean no harm" he states as he lays down. "I'm Lucien" he states.

"What are you doing here?" I demand.

"Hunting, same as you" he states.

"Well this is my kill" I tell him.

"Who says I was hunting for food?" he asks me with a smirk. I frown in confusion. "You look just like her" he states. As he slowly approaches me.

"Who?" I ask confused as he circles me.

"Your mother" he whispers in my ear.

"You knew her?" I ask shocked.

"Great kings no, but my father did" he states. "It's such as shame she never got to be a mother to you. I'm sure she would have been a perfect mother, just like you will be" he says as he rubs his body along mine. I flatten my ears and back away from him.

"What are you talking about?" I demand.

"I've been watching you from a far" he states.

"You've been stalking me?" I ask with a silent snarl.

"Of course, I had to see if you would be a worthy candidate" he states.

"For what?" I ask him.

"To have my cubs of course" he states and I swipe at him.

"Stay the hell away from me" I growl. "I will not have your cubs" I snap.

"You say that now, but that will change. Besides your friend Tama, has already fallen for my brother's charms" he states.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Ever wonder where she's been lately?" he asks me with a smirk. "She's been with my brother, she wipes his scent off before she returns to the pride. To hide what they've been doing" he states. "When you want to know more about your mother, I'll be at the gorge" he tells me and leaves with a wink. I growl, I'll never have his cubs. Besides father would kill me if I mated with anyone and had a male cub that could threaten Nuka.

"Yo Uru!" Tama calls as she appears. "Cool you caught something, I had no luck" she tells me.

"You smell different" I state eyeing her.

"Oh crap" she says. "Please don't tell anyone, but I met someone and he is so amazing" she tells me. "He's name in Chumvi" she states.

"Tama if you get caught, you could be kicked out or worse killed" I remind her.

"I know, but I think he's the one. And who knows maybe he can help us over throw Scar" she states.

"I doubt it" I tell her.

"Why?" she asks.

"I jut meet his brother Lucien, it seems all he cares about is passing his genes onto the next generation. I'm sure once you're pregnant Chumvi will leave" I state.

"No you're wrong about him, he loves me" she states.

"Really? Has he ever said it?" I ask him.

"Well of course he..." she stops talking.

"He hasn't? Has he?" I ask and she lowers her head. "Hey it's ok, I'm here for you and so is Nala. Along with the others" I assure her. "I think it's time I told you all the truth" I state.

"What truth?" she asks.

"Not here" I tell her as I sling my kill over my shoulder. "Go get the others, meet at the flood plains" I instruct and take off. It's time I tell them the truth about the gorge, so that we can end my father's tyranny.


Picture above of Uru now and picture in chapter of Lucien. Picture in chapter of Tama with Lucine's brother Chumvi.

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