Kiara Meets Kovu

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Uru's POV

My girls are now teenagers and have started learning how to hunt. We recently lost Sarabi, Sarafina, Nani and Shani. So now the only adults are Simba, Nala, Zoe, Taya, Judy, Patty, Eva and myself. Then there are my three teenage girls and little Kiara, Tiifu & Zuri. I'm sure Zira has suffered loses too in the out lands. According to Eva and her cousins they only saw five adult lions, three teenagers and two cubs that appeared be a couple weeks old then Kiara. I feel bad for those cubs having to grow up in the out lands.

Anyway, I let Taya take over hunting training today. As I just felt like I'm needed at the den for some reason. I'm laying on the top of pride rock and see Kiara leave the den.  She bounds to the edge of Pride Rock and overlooks the savanna, panting with excitement. Much like I used to as a cub. She goes to leave and is caught by the scruff by Simba. I chuckle, father used to do that.

I sigh sadly, we did had some nice times. "Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" Simba asks as he put her down. Standing gently on her tail to prevent her from running off.

"Daddy, let go!" Kiara squeals giggling in delight.

"Well, I just want you to be careful" he tells her as he lets her go. Kiara jumps at a butterfly. When she goes to chase it, Simba stands on her tail again. Causing her to fall. "Kiara, are you listening? Accidents can happen. You could easily get hurt or stepped..." he starts to list off.

"Hurt or stepped on or even get lost" she states sitting up. Giving him her full attention as he releases her tail.

"And remember, I want you to stay in sight of Pride Rock at all times" he reminds her. I told my girls the same thing when they were Kiara's age.

"At all times. I know. And if I see any strangers, don't talk to them. Come straight home. Okay, okay. Can I go now? Please?" she asks him with a sweet smile.

Simba chuckles as Nala leaves the den to join them. "Very funny" he tells her.

"Mind your father, Kiara" Nala tells her.

"Yes mum" Kiara giggles.

"And stay away from the Out lands" Simba adds and Zazu swoops down. Joining them.

"Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous outsiders" Zazu states.

"Zazu's right. You can't turn your back on them" Simba states. That's true.

"Really? How come?" Kiara asks confused.

"Never mind. Just run along now" Simba tells her. As I get up and start to make my way down pride rock. I can no longer hear them. When I arrive outside the den I see Kiara leaving and Nala tackle Simba. Nuzzling him affectionately.

"She'll be fine" Nala assures him and returns to the den. He smiles watching her go. Honestly, I'm surprised they haven't had another cub yet. Simba called Timon and Pumba over. Then sent them to watch over Kiara.

"You sure they can handle the job?" I ask as I join him.

"They managed to raise me" he reminds me.

"True" I say as I flick my tail.

"I thought you were training your girls today" he states.

"Taya offered to do it today. She and Zoe were going to start showing Zuri & Tiifu the basics of tracking" I state. "Kiara should be with them, never to early to start training" I tell him.

"That's up to Nala, not me" he states. "Want to come on patrol with me?" he asks.

"Sure" I agree and we set off together.

(time skip)

Patrol was going well. Until Timon and Pumba appeared. They had lost Kiara near the out lands. Simba had Zazu gather some lionesses. In the end Nala, Taya, Zoe and I went with Simba to get Kiara back. Timon and Pumba came also. While my girls escorted Tiifu and Zuri home under the watchful eye of Zazu.

We soon find Kiara with an unknown male cub. Simba was not pleased by this. He stands over Kiara with a roar. Zira appears behind the male cub and roars. She growls lowly glaring up at Simba. "Zira" he snarls.

"Simba" she says. The rest of us growl as we flank Simba. "Nala, Uru" she snarls.

"Zira" we sneer. Glowering at her.

"Timon. Pumbaa. Great. Now that we all know each other. Get outta our Pride Lands!" Timon shouts at her.

"Your Pride Lands?!" she snarls furiously. "These lands belong to Scar" she states.

"My father is dead" I snarl.

"I banished you from the Pride Lands. Now, you and your young cub, get out!" Simba snaps at her. Kiara recoil in horror. Along with the male cub.

"Oh, haven't you met my son, Kovu? He was hand-chosen by Scar to follow in his paw prints and become, king!" Zira declares. Simba growls glaring at Kovu. Wait, Kovu? Tama was going to name her son that, is this him? What about Vitani?

"That's not a king! That's a fuzzy maraca!" Timon states.

"Kovu was the last born before you exiled us to the Outlands, where we have little food...less water" Zira says.

"You know the penalty for returning to the Pride Lands" Simba reminds her.

"But the child does not! However, if you need your pound of flesh, here" she says pushing Kovu forward. I glare at her.

"Simba don't, we won't stoop to her level" I tell him.

"Take him and get out. We're finished here" Simba tells Zira. He picks up Kiara.

"Oh, no, Simba. We have barely begun" Zira says with a chuckle. She picks up Kovu and leaves. I watch them leave sadly, I did not want Kovu leaving with her. If he is Tama's son, he belongs here. But I have no proof he is Tama's, for one he looks nothing like her. I'll have to investigate this. In secret, Simba would never approve.

"Coming Uru?" Nala calls and I see the others have already started to head back home. I nod and follow. When Pride Rock comes into view, Simba stops. "Simba?" Nala asks him confused. He clears his throat looking down at Kiara. She smiles and we leave him alone to talk to Kiara. Once at the den I checked on my girls, before calling it a night.


Picture above of Kiara and Kovu.

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