Safe Haven

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Freen's POV

"Hey, what are you doing, babe?" I asked Becky, noticing her serious expression.

"Some fake news keeps coming out... Saying that you and Seng were together in the post you made," she showed it to me, and I chuckled at the absurdity.

"Some toxic fans just have nothing better to do, Babe," I reassured her with a grin, hoping to lighten the mood.

We had just arrived home after the shoot and were taking a rest at her condo.

Becky's frustration was palpable, and I knew I had to cheer her up.

"They don't know that we were together that day," she said with a hint of disappointment.

Without hesitation, I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close in a comforting embrace. She smiled at my gesture and tilted her head, looking at me.

The truth was, we had a shoot for a new project/endorsement last time.

I glanced at her, feeling warmth at her smile. 'She always looks beautiful,' I thought to myself.

"P'Freen?" She called me, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yes, Becca?" I said, then sit beside her.

I noticed that she scrolled through Twitter again, her frustration intensified. I couldn't bear to see her like this any longer, so I reached for her phone and opened her TikTok account, clicked upload, and searched from her gallery.

Just as I thought our impromptu dance party couldn't get any better, I eagerly watched the video, reliving our joyous moments together.

With TikTok as our newfound distraction, we lost ourselves in laughter and playful banter, bringing us closer together.

I selected it and uploaded it.

"Done," I grinned and returned her phone.

"Babe, you posted it?" She asked, amused at my actions, and started laughing as she watched our dance again.

"Yes, It's a good thing. So you won't read any more fake news about me," I said, watching her laughter echo through her condo, erasing her worries.

"We looked great together here, babe, right? Look at my moves here hahaha," She beamed, eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Of course, you're a great dancer as ever," I replied, teasing her, unable to tear my gaze away from her infectious smile. Surrounded by love and laughter, I felt confident that no fake news could ever come between us.

As we continued talking, my phone buzzed with a message. I glanced at it briefly before setting it aside.

"Who was that?" Becky asked, trying to sound casual but feeling a twinge of curiosity.

"Just Charlotte," I replied with a smile. "She was asking about a restaurant."

She chuckled, a hint of jealousy peeking through her smile. "Ah, so you're her go-to food critic now?"

I laughed. "Seems like it!" I added a playful edge to my voice, unable to resist teasing her a little, making her a little jealous. My grin widened, enjoying the moment.

Our playful banter continued, filled with giggles and gentle teasing. These light-hearted moments made our relationship special, reminding us of the love and laughter we have always shared.


Becky's POV

I had just wrapped up the Songkran event and returned to my condo. I was eager to see Freen, especially after our busy schedules today. We exchanged encouraging messages earlier, and she also mentioned she'd come home early for dinner.

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