1 : Eccentric ways.

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Here's the first chapter, of my first book!

If you haven't checked the intro, then first know about the characters. Before starting the story..

°°°°°"INAYAT'S POV"°°°°°°

I took out the gun, &, pointed it towards Hawkmoth, (the villain) instead of surrendering himself, he held one hand of Chat noir (super-hero) and pushed him, towards me, but.. Little do he knows about my Smartness, I immediately stepped back, Not caring about chat noir's balance, and Started shooting mercilessly with the intentions of killing hawkmoth, but he is way too fast in changing his positions, i was so engrossed in shooting, that i haven't realised the presence of enemies behind me, they were just about to attack on me, that's when we heard a familiar voice, "Step back, Mr hooke"..

Ladybug!! Our life saviour has arrived, A smirk of victory came on my face, as i looked up, but the reaction didn't even took minutes to get completely faded..


Standing on the roof of the tower, Glaring at me, before saying..
"It's already 7 am, Get up!!"...

Ahh.. so here we go again..

It was all a dream, got broken in between, just because it's 7 am!

What am i even supposed to do at 7 am, when my classes starts at 9 am, Should i dance? To entertain her, can't she wait for 5 more mins? I could have met Ladybug!!

Accepting the faith and reality, i slowly opened my eyes, &, saw mumma standing near the bed with an angry look on her face..

"Have you mistakenly ate chillies in the breakfast mumma?" I said in a sleepy tone, noticing the anger on her face.. she gave me a done look..to avoid her glares, i turned to other direction..

"INAYAT?" She started calling me, As always.

"Hmm" I replied, still half asleep..

"Get up, Rn!" She said, maintaining her hard tone.

"Hmm" I replied simply, still not fully awake yet.

"Get up, or else.." she said, trying her strategies on me, to wake me up..

"Hmm?" I replied again, making her more furious..

"Or else, i'm calling your dad" she warned me.

"Hmm", i replied, not caring about her warning.

I can't help it tho, i'm a deadly sleepy person, it's like raging a war is far more better than, accepting the task to wake me up, don't know how my parents tolerates me daily..

"Thik hai fir, SUNIYEE!!" She shouted out loud, enough for me to step out from my illusional world..
(Alright then, Listen!!)

"NAHI SUNIYE! NAHI SUNIYE!.." i got up quickly.. while shouting back..
"Uth gayii mai" i said, while sitting straight like the most innocent and obedient child!
(Don't listen! Don't listen!) (I'm awake)

"Good" Mumma said, while laughing a little..
"Now, go and get ready for your classes" she reminded..

"Hmm" i replied, and went to do my morning routines..

On the other side :

°°°°"FAARIZ'S POV"°°°°°

It's 6 am, &, i'm still working on the project..
Well, it was a group project, All the members, should've handled it together, but after getting to know about the members of my group, i decided, it'll be better to work on it alone, rather than asking them about the ideas, as i'm the leader of the group, i am the one responsible for the project, so rn i'm busy in handling my responsibilities.. i haven't even slept properly from past two days, cause of this project, None of the members, asked me any informations regarding the project, they seem to be more interested in knowing about me, instead of the project. They didn't even sent me the edited part of the boundaries, instead asking for my personal contact number, as if they'll be helping me like a sincere student, but as i already know, none of them got brain, they all just needs my attention to show off.
So i haven't gave my contacts to any of them, except for few boys, as i find them kind of serious towards studies.

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