10 : Miracle!

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Greetings to all my sweet readers, thank you so much, for 400+ views on my book, i hope you'll keep supporting the book and will vote for the upcoming chapters.

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we've just entered in the hall, tried our best to walk as slower as we can.
I can see that boss and manager, still stuck on their position, they haven't noticed us here yet, but, my eyes were searching for something else..
Yes, that's for the witch, i mean, the dead witch..
I searched for her, while zeenat was busy peeking out of the door, making sure, we're safe here.
Behind the boss, i saw someone laying on the floor, and there the witch is...
I sighed in relief, that she's still dead..

I proposed zeenat, and i know, she likes me too, but to be honest, i guess that's only a obsession we had for each other, i don't think, she's in love with me, the way she reacted on the proposal, nor it's love from my side, just kind of feelings, i realised and cleared it to her.
That's also for the promise, that aunty took from me...


Zeenat and farhaaz were running, after zeenat pulled farhaaz.
They were searching for their friends, but stopped when their eyes fell on one old lady, laying on the corner of the floor life lessly.
They looked at each other before rushing towards her.
For once they thought, she's dead cause of an heartattack or she just fell down, cause of her age.
Farhaaz and zeenat sat on their knees, and started shaking the aunt, checking weather she's dead or alive.
Soon she moved her head a little, which made zeenat and farhaaz sighed in relief..

"Good morning" the old lady said, with a smile.

"You were sleeping?" Zeenat asked, in a bit confused tone.

"No no, i was making dinner for you both, how was the work?" The old lady asked.

"Wha-?" Zeenat was bout to say.

"Oh really?, i'm hungry already, what have you made?" Farhaaz interrupted.

"The witch's curry" the old lady said.

"THE WITCH'S CURRY?!" Zeenat and farhaaz exclaimed in unison..

"Are you in your senses, aunty?" Zeenat said while touching her forehead, to check weather she have fever or not.

"I'm good and you?" The old lady asked.

"She's just scared, cause of the witch" farhaaz whispered in zeenat's ear.."play along"

zeenat realised, what he meant and nodded in agreement.

"Oh aunty.. we thought, you were having an heartattack" farhaaz said.

"Heartattack? Who me?" Aunty asked while looking at zeenat.

"Yes, you..." zeenat replied.

"Ouchhhh, my heart" Aunty screamed, while holding her chest.

"W-what happened?" Zeenat asked while panicking.

"I'm having a heart attack, don't you see?" Aunty replied, while stopping her drama.

Zeenat furrowed her eyebrows, and farhaaz laughed a little silently..

"Yes yes aunty, she can see, you continue" farhaaz interrupted..

"Ohh my lord, My heart, where's my son?!!" Aunty asked while looking here and there.

That's when suddenly a boy came running towards her, and held her hand while saying..

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