Chapter 62 Seeing the Sunshine again

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He gave each of the searchers a jet gun and sprayed every suspicious spot. If there was anyone hiding there, it would be revealed immediately. At that moment, the siblings were hiding in the room of the bearded man who had secretly left the door open for them. More than twenty people with jet guns searched every place, not even a fly could fly out. When the search reached the room where the siblings were hiding, the bearded man said to another person, "You guard the outside, I'll just go in."

That was what the man wanted, so the bearded man pushed open the door and went in. As soon as he entered, he smelled the familiar scent of Alice's body and thought to himself, "Alice, you're still here." He pretended to be serious as he sprayed each place, when he sprayed at the bottom of the table, he saw a pale and absolutely beautiful face, Alice was looking up at him with wide eyes, just for a split second, that beautiful face disappeared from his eyes. Seeing that face made him feel like everything he had done was worth it. He pretended to spray everywhere again, playing the trick to the fullest until he had sprayed every corner of the room. He said to the one at the door, "Not here, let's go!" When he left, he didn't forget to take the door with him, and as he closed it, he threw two sausages from his pocket into the room. The siblings waited for them to leave and breathed out a long sigh of relief, "I can't imagine that the bearded man saved us again, this favor can't be repaid for the rest of our lives."

They didn't dare to go out and hid here. At nine o'clock in the evening, no one could be found. The bearded man said to One-Eye, "Sir, they could have run out of the bunker long ago, that's why we couldn't find them."

One-Eye thought of that, too, but he was not ready to admit it. He knew that if those two people had really left, then his "Doomsday Bunker" had come to an end. At this point, he could only take the risk of sending people out to hunt them down. He divided the personnel into two teams, one team led by the bearded man was responsible for continuing the search inside, and he personally led a team to go out and hunt them down. As soon as One-Eye's team appeared on the ground, they traveled less than three kilometers before they were discovered by the personnel sent out by Elliot. For six years, Elliot had been dragging his net around the Antarctic region, but had not been able to find Ronnie's siblings. It turned out that the builder of the "Doomsday Bunker" "Nine Stars United," had stopped sending people to the "Doomsday Bunker" after falling out with the Elliot Organization. For the past few years, the Doomsday Bunker had been living a self-sufficient life. All communication between them and above was done through nanobots.

Their bunker was 500 meters underground, with only a one-meter-wide entrance to the ice-covered surface. Elliot's people had waited six years for their chance. Elliot sent out Ullian warriors, these people were resistant to swords and guns and agile. One-Eye was quickly surrounded, and knowing the power of the Ullian warriors, he quickly gave up resistance. This time, the one who commanded the Ullian warriors was a young girl. She followed One-Eye's route and quickly found the entrance to Doomsday Bunker. Ten minutes later, she successfully led the Ullian warriors inside the bunker, controlled the bearded man and the others, then found the radio room and called into the bunker: "Ronnie, Alice, we have been sent by your father to rescue you, please come out quickly."

The two siblings, still hiding under the bearded man's desk, were overjoyed to hear the broadcast. The duo came out and then hesitated, they were now invisible, others couldn't even see them. If they took off their clothes, they would become headless monsters again. Alice said in her haste, "Let's use the radio to communicate with them as well."

"That's a good idea!" The duo went straight to the radio room and entered another one. Ronnie spoke into the radio, "Warriors of Ullian, this is Ronnie, now please let everyone in the bunker go, and only one of you will stay, the rest of you will help these scientists return to the City-state, and let go the administrators in the bunker as well!"

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