Chapter 84 Defending the Baron's Family

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Alice spent a week in the hospital before being released. The bearded man visited her once during that time and just shook his head and left without saying anything. Ronnie felt that his home was becoming less safe and wanted to increase the security level. However, he received an urgent mission from the City-state, and with the assassination, the Knights' Council now urgently needed him to make 10,000 pairs of "Quick-Reveal" glasses and install "ghost eyes" at the main entrances and exits. As a result, he and his sister's two "Silent Shadows" are completely useless and can only hide at home all day. Ronnie was ready to apply directly to the Knights' Council, he and his sister needed the protection of the "Silent Shadows" anyway, the Grand Council already knew about it. His request was quickly approved. However, if everyone wore "Quick revealing" glasses, there was no need for the two Silent Shadows to be invisible. Ronnie thought of Amandine, who seemed to be the only truly invisible person in the world. "Who the hell gave him such an advanced invisibility cloak?" he hadn't figured it out yet.

At the research institute, Ronnie said to the "Rebirth Partners", "This mission is urgent, the City-state requires us to deliver 500 pairs of glasses within a week, and we also need to build the 'Ghost Eyes'."

"Boss, you didn't think you would cause so much trouble when you invented invisibility, did you?" Lily said with a teasing face.

"If I didn't have invisibility, I'd probably still be in the 'Doomsday Bunker' right now, and I don't regret it."

Sharlout said, "Boss, just assign tasks!"

"We'll divide into three groups, me and my sister, Lily and Gina, and Tom and Sharlout."

In the prison visiting room on the negative second floor of the Northwest District, as soon as the bearded man saw One-Eyed Farett, he yelled at him, "Why did you kill Alice?"

"Jackman, you traitor, you really fell in love with the enemy, no wonder you've been dragging your feet," Farett also said angrily.

"So what if I am, I just want her to have the baby before I do."

Farett laughed out loud, "Haha, so I helped you get rid of the child, you should thank me."

At that moment, the bearded Jackman whispered in Farett's ear, "Don't make me say it, I know you killed Don Stark's family of six, and you blamed it on Ronnie's father, Elliot, for revenge."

"What proof do you have? don't be ridiculous," Farett flatly denied it.

"Of course I have proof, the man you hired to plant the bomb is in my hands right now."

"What do you want?" Farett asked sharply.

"If Don Stark finds out you killed his family, you know what will happen."

Farett couldn't help but tremble as the bearded man saw his words working, his heart rejoicing. He was most afraid that the other wasn't afraid of anything, he continued, "I don't care about the others, but Alice, I want you and your men not to touch her in the future and to keep her safe."

"Fine, but if it's someone from above who sends someone to kill her, there's nothing I can do about it, I can only guarantee that my men won't make a move," Farett said.

"I'll find out what to do from above," the bearded man nodded, and as soon as he was out of the visiting room, he went to find Alice. At that moment, Alice was already suspicious of him, because he had also been asked to come that day to celebrate the New Year, and after he had left, the assassin came in the evening. "Are you a participant?" Alice asked directly.

"How could I be a participant? don't be silly," the bearded man said with a straight face.

"I hope you're not too, but if I find out, you know the consequences, I will never let anyone hurt my family," Alice said coldly.

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