Chapter 89 The Great Knight's Heroic Rescue

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Ronnie returned to the City-state and immediately went to the Institute to find Lily. Lily was very happy to see him, "You're back so soon!"

"Be honest, did my father send you to stay by my side?"

"He told you everything, how was it? are you touched?" Lily asked with a smile.

Ronnie nodded and suddenly shot out to hug her and whispered in her ear, "Thank you, for all these years."

Lily was stunned by his gesture for a moment before she came to her senses. She knew it had all been worth it, "It's enough just to have you say that!" as she said it, she also wrapped her arms tightly around Ronnie.

Time seemed to stand still, the two people just hugged each other, no unnecessary words of love, just feeling each other's heartbeat and the sound of rapid breathing ... After a long time, she gently pushed Ronnie away, smiled and said, "Well, I should go."

At that moment, Ronnie actually had some reluctance. When he let go of his hand, Lily had already turned to leave, he opened his mouth to let her stay, but in the end he said nothing. He returned home and ran into Mish just as he was about to enter. Mish was in her forties, with loose skin and a slightly older appearance. Ronnie hadn't seen her in years and almost didn't recognize her, she greeted him first, "Ronnie, it's been a long time, I've moved across the hall from you now, please take care of me in the future."

"It's you, have you heard from Park Hye and Barry?"

"You, the big shot of the City-state, can't even find them, how could I have any news?"

Ronnie couldn't help but frown, he didn't want to chat anymore, so he replied politely, "See you next time then!"

Mish saw him close the door and a look of resentment appeared in her eyes as she said in her heart, "One day I'll let your family die too."

She went down to the fourteenth floor and entered room 26. At that moment, a man was sitting in the room with his legs crossed. "Well? have you seen Ronnie?" the other man asked.


"What did you say?"

"Not much, just said hello, he's very impatient and left without talking for a few minutes."

"Come on, take your time approaching them."

Ronnie returned to the deluxe room and had just sat down when Alice returned home, "It went well this time, didn't it? did you see Dad?" dhe asked.

"Yes, I met him." Ronnie then told her briefly about the conversation between father and son. Alice was sad to hear it and said, "I really should have gone with you this time, maybe I won't see him in a year."

"Don't be so pessimistic, I'm sure he'll contact us in a year."

"I hope so."

The next day Ronnie went to work at the institute and as soon as he saw Lily he realized that the atmosphere had become a little strange, "What is wrong with me today? my heart is beating so fast, do I like her? it shouldn't be!"

And Lily was just as shy and flushed when she saw him. Seeing the look on their faces, Sharlout joked, "Boss, did you steal Lily's heart? she blushes whenever she sees you now."

"I'm sick too, my heart skips a beat when I see her," Ronnie muttered.

"Huh!" Sharlout clapped her hands happily, "This is great, after so many years of storms, you two have finally come together, congratulations!"

"What are you saying? I don't like this kind of manly woman," Ronnie said as he pulled his ears out with one of his little fingers.

Lily was furious at this and flew up and kicked him right between the legs with a "Woo! Woo!" Two screams rang out and Ronnie crouched down, covering his lower back as he yelled, "Violent women are awful!"

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