| nine |

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'So keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.'

| nine |

By Friday night, when I lay down on the couch after track, after work and after eating and cleaning up afterwards, I am exhausted. Next week is full of spring exams and projects to be handed in and tomorrow I'm thinking of going in to work.

Bumper drops down on the floor next to me, throwing a ball for Nelson, Junior sitting up here with me. ''Have an early night and study in the morning and go to work after lunch. I'm sure you could do that.''

''I agree,'' Reagen pipes up from the other sofa. She finally managed to get out of her house and hasn't been sulking as much. I even talked to her parents and asked if she could come out. They said of course, only if it was to be with me and Bumper or to study. So that's what she's doing. ''Bumper can help you with your projects and essays in the morning and then he can continue on his own in the afternoon, when you're out. Don't stress.''

''I'm not stressing,'' I reach out and grab my phone from off the floor, next to Bumper. ''I've just got loads of stuff to do and all I wanna do is sleep.''

I catch Bumper and Reagen sharing a look but I just check to see if I've got a message off Brad.

I have, yay.

How's the working life going? If you ever need anything done or anything bought or anything at all, let me know.

I smile to myself after reading it. Aw, sweet. He sounds like Bumper, offering to do anything I need done.

Busy. Homework and study in the morning, work in the afternoon, a lot of sleep at night is my plan for the weekend. Be jealous.

''You always come back smelling like fat and burgers and grease and cleaning liquid.'' Bumper nudges me and I open my eyes (after I replied, I laid down and closed them), yawning. ''I can't help it, can I? I've only got so much saved up for little treats and for gas, I need the job. It's well paid and I don't have to do too much. I enjoy it actually. Even if I need to have a shower every night afterwards.'' I laugh and ruffle Bumper's messy hair.

''Maybe you should ask your boss if you can renovate or change the place up a bit?'' Reagen suggests, munching on a chocolate bar.

''I am going to, but when I spend a few more days working for him. Maybe next week,'' I reply but then I glare at her. ''Hey! That's the last chocolate bar isn't it?''

''Was,'' she replies, muttering. She opens her mouth and shoves it in, hardly able to chew it's so full.

''You bitch!'' I shout, jumping up from the sofa and jumping on her, my fingers digging into her sides, tickling her. ''You're gonna have to buy me a whole new packet missy!''

Bumper roars with laughter as we tumble off the sofa and onto the floor, Reagen screaming mercy and me laughing at her, tickle torturing her. Reagen is probably the most ticklish person I know so it's always funny when you get started.

''Get off!'' she laughs, screaming, trying to push me off but too weak with laughter to be able to. I slowly let off on the tickling and then I stand up, pulling her to her feet after me. ''You're horrible,'' she hiccups, laughing with tears rolling down her face. She hiccups again and I flick her on the cheek. ''I know, I know. But you're a greedy pig.'' I make a pig noise with my nose and Bumper laughs even more. ''Stop it, I'm gonna pee my pants, Jesus Christ.'' he chuckles slapping the couch he's laughing that hard.

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