| eleven |

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'The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead.'

| eleven |

7:45 at my house tomorrow morning. Be there or be dead.

Zombie princess, that doesn't even rhyme. But seriously, so early. I love weekends but I'm starting to dislike this one only because I have to get up early.

If you ain't here, the zombie princess will eat your brains for breakfast. Just giving you a heads up, o' delightful living one.

I lay on my bed, Bumper on the floor beside me, snoring lightly. We decided to get an early night, since we're pretty tired all the time. I can hear Mom downstairs, filling up the puppies' water bowls and then she makes sure the door is locked and heads up to her own room. It's only about ten or eleven o'clock but since we're all exhausted, here we are in bed. I don't know how Bumper does it. Falling asleep so quickly I mean. I can't.

I shall be there, o' horrifyingly beautiful dead one.

Rolling my eyes with a smile on my face, I snuggle down, Nelson curling into me and Junior stretching out at my feet. The smile doesn't leave my face even when I eventually fall asleep.

''So. Damn. Early.'' Reagen moans behind me, Davey snoring beside her. At least he hasn't got his mouth open and drool coming from it. Bumper is leaning against the window, his eyes shut. Brad is pretty much the same, holding a four coffee cup holder in his lap.

I yawn, driving down the road before turning into Billy's Burgers. ''Why am I always the designated driver?''

I pull to a stop beside the only other car there, a dark blue Ford Focus, which I don't see many of around here to be honest. I notice Kellin climbing out, a tired smile on his face.

''Because you're the only one that can drive here. Except for Brad,'' Bumper mumbles, slowly opening his eyes. Even though we'd had a generous amount of hours of sleep, we're both still pretty tired. I could say the same for the other three as well. ''And we're not gonna drive around in an Audi. Feels too conspicuous.''

I roll my eyes, opening my door, feeling the fresh morning air hitting me. Everyone else climbs out and I give the introductions, hoping Bumper and Kellin will get along.

After, Kellin opens up, keeping the 'closed' sign facing out, so if anyone did want to come in, we'd have to say no, but hopefully they'll be clued up enough to read the sign.

''Okay, so,'' Kellin stands in front of us all, with me on his left and Brad giving out the coffees. Kellin shakes his head when I offer him mine, ''I've had three already this morning, thanks. I think some of us will have to go buy some gear, like paint and stuff and the other lot can start moving stuff around and cleaning.''

I nod, agreeing. ''You, Bumper and Davey go buy the stuff, Brad, Reagen and I will start here,'' I offer. Kellin nods, ''Okay, sure thing. Follow me then, guys.''

I wave off Bumper and Davey and then shut the door after them, looking around. ''Well, let's get started then.''

''Sure, what do we do, captain?'' Brad salutes me and I let a little giggle slip out. Rolling my eyes, I tell him to cover everything with sheets that were in the back, because we would be painting.

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