| fifteen |

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'The unexamined life is not worth living.'

| fifteen |

Even after an hour and a bit of searching and looking for recognizable faces – which of course means Brad, Davey and Alex – we find no-one except random people who wanna hook up with either of us.

''That's the fourth time I've turned down a guy,'' Reagen pouts, looking at the ground. ''I feel bad.''

Before opening the door to the garden, where we haven't looked yet, I raise an eyebrow at her, knowing my theory about her not following the stereotype was correct.

''Yes, fresh air,'' Bumper exaggerates, taking in deep gulps of clean and cold air. Since walking around like idiots, I'd gotten used to the thick air full of smoke, but I must admit, being outside is a nice contrast to being indoors intoxicating myself voluntarily. It's then that Bumper gasps, ''They've got a fucking pool.'' I look behind me, to where the back garden's green grass slopes down to give way to a much bigger garden, where a big pool sits, with plenty of occupants.

''They're probably down there,'' Delilah mumbles, nodding. She doesn't look like she's enjoying herself. Not that I can say much for myself. I shrug and head down, searching the crowd for familiar faces. I hear a yell and Reagen grabs my wrist, ''That was Alex, I'm sure of it.'' I nod, thinking the same thing, when Bumper nudges Reagen, ''How do you know what his yell sounds like, huh Reagen? Have you taken part in any activities that make him yell?'' Bumper winks at me and I struggle to hide my laughter, turning away instead, but not before seeing her face go bright red.

''Reagen, you never told us!'' Bumper continues with his teasing while she bursts out laughing, ''Bumper you idiot, no!''

''You should've told us, I mean, keeping us in the dark when we're your best friends?'' Bumper cries, exaggerating his offense.

''I'm not taking part in any activities that make him yell, Bumper.'' She's still giggling, obviously finding it funny. I roll my eyes, finally approaching the pool and I can't see Alex anywhere. I sigh, frustrated, deciding to call one of them. I turn on my heel, to get my phone from Reagen when I hear her shout, ''Bumper I'm not having sex with Alex!'' and to see Alex coming to a stop behind her. I stifle a laugh at his face, Reagen oblivious to what's just happened. Bumper winces and slowly, her face expresses her horror. She turns around and sees Alex towering above her, a smirk on his face. ''You're not having sex with me, huh?'' Alex winks, and Reagen burns up. I know she isn't having sex with him, but it's funny to watch.

''Yes! I mean, no! No I'm not-'' Reagen rambles but Bumper saves her by throwing an arm around her shoulders, ''Good, or else I'd be really jealous and you know I'm not a good person when I get jealous.''

Reagen huffs a sigh of relief quietly and I grab Alex before he can say anything. ''Where are Davey and Brad?''

''By the pool. Davey's about to get in, but I saw you guys and came over.'' Alex shrugs and I let go of his thick wrist, turning to find them. I notice he's dripping wet and wearing swimming shorts. ''Why didn't no-one tell us it was a pool party?''

We all head over to where Alex left Brad and Davey and Alex shrugs again, ''I don't know. I thought you knew.''

''Nope,'' I pop the 'p' and shake my head, ''I can't get in like this though so I'll just wait by the side I guess.''

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