Swords, Demons, and Ugly Pink Dresses

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I laid down in my bed for ages, trying to comprehend everything that had happened today. Finally, I somehow found the motivation to get off of the bed and walk to the mirror. I looked great. The red hair suited me, and the makeup brought out my features. I actually thought I looked pretty for the first time in my life. I walked around the room, look for something to do. Eventually, I checked the door, and it was locked. I was stuck in that room. By myself. With nothing to do.

After what felt like ages, someone knocked on the door, and I opened it. Minevra stood there smiling with food. "I thought you'd want some company!"

I sighed. "Thank goodness, I was getting so bored."

She put the food on my nightstand and looked at me apologetically. "Yeah, sorry about that. It's kind of a thing here. You have to stay in the room until you become half demon. The other four had to do it too."


She smacked her forehead. "I'm so dumb. I assumed you knew. Well, there are four swordmasters, and soon, you'll be one. There are supposed to be five at all times. But right now, there's Jack, Eve, Damon, and Andras. Andras is the leader, and Damon is the deputy dude."

I took a sip of the water. "How do I get turned half demon?"

"You have to drink a little bit of blood from the demon you summoned."

I spat out the water and turned sharply to look at her. "I have to drink Jack's blood?"

She shrugged. "Yeah. It's not that big of a deal. It's normal for demons."

"It's not normal for me though. Do I have to?"


"Ugh. That's so gross. I feel sick thinking about it."

Minevra stepped back. "Please don't get sick. I'm a demon and all, but I don't do vomit."

I laughed and shook my head. "I won't get sick. I wouldn't want to ruin your dress. Even if I hate pink."

She giggled and skipped to the door. "Okay, I'll probably be back later. I'll tell Jack that he makes you sick."

She hopped out and locked the door before I could say anything, leaving me alone again.

Minevra never came back, so I had an uneventful evening. After two hours, I ended up changing into a tank top and shorts, talking off my makeup, and falling asleep.


When I woke up, someone was poking my side. I sat up and slapped the person who was doing it. Jack blinked and raised an eyebrow. "I'm guessing you're not a morning person."

I glared at him and said, "No. I just hate being woken up by someone giving me a bruise from poking me."

He waved a hand dismissively. "You'll live. I might bruise on my face because of you. Even without demon powers you hit people hard."

I continued to glare at him. "I'm tired, I'm hungry, and now I'm extremely irritated. What do you want?"

"I have your clothes ready, so you need to try them on."

I looked over at the clock. "It is six in the damn morning."

"I know, but as soon as we're done with this you can go back to sleep."

I groaned and stood up. "Fine. But if I'm woken up one more time, I will murder all of you."

"It would be so amusing to watch you try, love."

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