Revenge Is Ice Cream?

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I walked into the orphanage, my black boots clicking on the floor. A few boys were there, around seventeen, and they whistled. "I wonder what she's doing here," one pondered.

"I don't know, but she's hot."

I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I went by my old room, so I decided to open it. Inside, I found Seth. The boy who started all of this. His eyes got wide and he shot up off of the floor. "I wasn't doing anything, I was just looking under the bed because I think Elaine-"

"Shut up," I told him. "It's me. Elle."

"Elle? Woah, you look... different. Good different. Nice hair.  It suits you. But where'd you-"

"Let's not talk about that," I replied, shaking my head. "I was just taking a stroll down memory lane while I wait for something. Maybe kill a few people."

His eyes got wide at that statement. "Are you a demon now, El-"

I put up a hand. "It's Scarlet now."

He snorted. "Creative," Seth said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and walked off. Unfortunately, Seth followed me.  "What are you doing here? I thought you said you'd never come back, if it worked!"

"I'm here to do you all a favor," I told him as I walked to Tivisky's room.

"What kind of a favor?"

"The witch that runs the place is going to die. Then, Clara can take over. She's a sweet woman, and she's been hoping to help you all and take over, but she can't get rid of Miss Tivisky, That's where I come in. Besides, this is the kind of revenge that I cherish."

He nodded. "She deserves it. Last week she shoved a kid into the river. The poor boy almost died."

I stiffened, but I shook it off quickly. "I see. In that case, she deserves this even more."

We got to her room and I gestured to Seth, telling him to stay back without using my actual voice. I drew my sword as I kicked the door open. I had to make a memorable entrance, after all. The witch looked up with wide eyes. "Who are you?" Her gaze drifted to my sword. "W-what is the meaning of this? Who do you think-"

I hushed her with just a step forward. She whimpered and stepped away from me. With a glare, I pointed the sword at her. "You, who has commited crimes that are almost unspeakable, dare to raise your voice againt me? The powers of Heaven and Hell have combined to collect the debt that you owe to karma. This cursed sword is here to bring the owner of it and many others justice."

Her eyes got wider as she recognized me. "It's you. The one who ran off."

I laughed coldly and walked forward, placing my sword on her neck. "You can't even remember my name. How pathetic. Either way, it doesn't matter. Your judgement day has come, by the hands of the demon swordmasters' leader, Scarlet. May you get exactly what you deserve," I said as I slit her throat as slowly as possible, letting the blood spill onto the hideous yellow carpet. 

I wiped the blood on the pink bed covers and looked up. Seth stood there with wide eyes and an open mouth. "I'm not sure if that awesome of terrifying."

I shrugged and opened the window. "You're welcome. Perhaps our paths will cross again, Seth. The boy who started it all."

I smirked and jumped as he came running towards me. I landed perfectly, even though it was a four-story jump, and looked up one more time. He waved, unable to do anything else from the shock,  and I waved back, nodding my head. I turned away from the dark place and began to walk back down the street. 

This started a new page in the children's lives. Hopefully one that was happier that the last one.


I stopped walking when I felt a small buzz in the back of my head. It was Eren, calling me. I closed my eyes and opened them, appearing in a nice shed. I looked around and nodded. "Not bad."

Eren sighed and crossed his arms. He was bloody, but it was honetsly a good look for him. He looked more attractive, in a serial killer kind of way. I smirked at him as I leaned against the wall across from him. "Did you give the guy the death he deserved?"

His eye's narrowed and he nodded. "It was slow, limb by limb. And what about you?"

I looked down at my clothes, which had small dots of red. "Oh. I didn't realize I got blood on myself. I killed someone who deserved it. Not as violently as you, though."

He shrugged and held the sword out. "Thanks for your help. You'll probably want this back now, huh?"

I tilted my head and walked in front of him. "No. You get to keep it," I told him as I leaned down so that we were eye to eye. "But now, you're coming with me," I finished, grabbing his arm.

He tried to struggle, but it was no use. We were already back in my office, next to the mirror. Jack was there, throwing an apple up and catching it over and over again. He looked over at us and yawned. "About time. I was getting bored of waiting."

He stood up and walked over to us, separating my hand from Eren's arm. Eren's face got red as Jack looked at where I touched him. "All right, I'm going to lay down the ground rules!" Jack announced loudly, dramatically raising his arms. He grabbed me and hugged me from behind and glared at Eren. "She's mine. You touch her and you're dead."

I stepped away from Jack and turned back to Eren. "Ignore him. We're not even a thing. Now, let's focus on important things."

Jack pouted. "That was important. And we're making progress in our relationship!" 

I rolled my eyes. "What relationship?"

Jack's jaw dropped as I turned back to Eren with a smile. "Sorry if this is a bit overwhelming. We'll explain-"

Eren shook his head and I stopped. "I want food while we talk. Ice cream, specifically."

Jack raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Why?"

Eren shrugged. "They say revenge is cold, and they say it's sweet. Basically, it's ice cream, so now I want ice cream. I mean, you did kidnap me. It's the least you could do."

Jack glared at Eren. "You are already acting like a-"

I stomped on Jack's foot to silence him and nodded. "That honestly doesn't sound all that bad. I'll tell our cook. It'll be up right away, Eren."

Eren grinned and Jack growled. "Come on, you're already siding with him," Jack complained.

"Of course. I'd be careful if I were you, he might steal your spot as deputy," I joked with a wink as I left.

"You better not be serious!" Jack yelled back as I ran down the hallway smiling.

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