Demon Boyfriends Suck

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of Jack banging on my door. "Scarlet, open your damn door already!"

I looked over at my clock. Eleven o'clock in the morning. "But it's before noon," I yelled back, throwing a pillow over my head.

The handle moved around for a few seconds before the lock clicked. A groan escaped my lips. He picked the lock. "Rise and shine, sweetheart."

I growled and threw the clock at him. I heard him catch it and sigh. As I tried to get settled again, he ripped the sheets away from me. He flopped down on top of me, knocking the air out of my lungs. "Get up."

I took the pillow off of my head and glared at him. "Or what?"

He thought for a moment before burying his face into my neck. "Or this," he mumbled, letting his lips move on my skin as he talked.

"Okay," I snapped as I put my head down. "Just let me sleep."

"I came in here to do something, you know."

I hit him with a pillow and growled. "Shut up or leave."

He sighed and shrugged. "Fine."

I was about to close my eyes, but he rolled over, taking me with him so that I was lying on top of him. "What was the point of that?" I mumbled.

"Because this is more comfortable."

I rolled my eyes before shutting them and going back to sleep.


When I opened my eyes again, it was noon. I got off of Jack's chest and thought for a moment before shoving him off of the bed. He yelped as he crashed to the floor, and a laugh tumbled out of my mouth. He glared at me as he got up and stretched. "This better not be a normal thing."

"If you don't try sleeping with me, then there won't even be a chance," I replied with a yawn, running my fingers through my fiery hair.

"Oh, I won't try. I'll succeed," he told me as he sat beside me. "No doubt about it."

I sighed, but stopped and went still as I looked down at what I was wearing. I was only in a tank top and my underwear. I groaned and threw the covers back over myself. "Get out," I ordered. "There's the door. Use it."


"Because I said so."

"Nice one, Elaine. You should be a lawyer."

I groaned again in response. "Maybe there's a reason," he mused. "Like you thinking you're under dressed."

He went under the covers as well, so I rolled away, wrapped a sheet around myself, and went to my closet. I felt his arms wrap around me from behind as I rummaged through the closet. "I think you're overdressed."

I shrugged and pulled out a flannel shirt and jeans to throw over what I was already wearing. "Why did you even come in here, Jack?"

"Oh. I was going to show you the dress I made for you, but you seemed very unenthusiastic, so I just let you sleep."

I nodded as I threw the sheet over his head and quickly threw on my jeans and flannel. He flailed under the sheet for a moment before throwing it off. "Don't throw stuff at me."

"Then get out of my room when I change."

"I would've in the first place if you would've just looked at the dress," he replied with a pout.

"Later," I promised, exiting the room. "I'll get to it eventually."

I heard him sigh behind me as I hopped over to my desk, making sure there were no demon reports. There wasn't a single one. I sighed in relief, but Jack's pout grew. "Aw, what a boring day. I can't even kill a demon out of frustration. Actually, that's Eren's job. He takes this little seriously."

"Well I appreciate it. At least he isn't flitting with me and making jokes the whole time," I told him with a shrug.

"Hey, I don't do that all of the time! Just occasionally, and you can't say my efforts were in vain. Just imagine if I was the kind of guy who went bragging to my friends about sleeping with a girl..."

My eyes grew wide before a glare took them over. "Stop saying it like that. You're making it sound like we did... other things. Besides, I only let you stare there because I thought you'd stop bothering me if I did."

He grinned and leaned on the wall, crossing his arms and flipping his pitch black hair out of his eyes. "That's the point."

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. It was too late for breakfast, but I was right on time for lunch. My feet led me right to the dining hall, but my stomach influenced my feet, speeding me up so that I could get food faster. Only Eve was there at the moment. I took my seat at the table, and Eve immediately sat next to me. "So," she began, suppressing a giggle as Jack sat across from her. "You two both missed breakfast."

"I do every day," I replied, an eyebrow raised.

"I suppose so, but Jack never does. I went to his room to wake him up and he wasn't there." She looked at the two of us. "I mean I knew you guess where dating, but damn. You're really letting him skip those bases, huh?"

My cheeks turned red, and I looked down the hot wings I was dishing onto my plate. "We didn't do anything.

Eve rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Whatever you say. Your rosy cheeks say it all."

I simply ignored the other girl and ate my food, sighing and shaking my head. This little relationship with Jack was a little more dramatic than I expected. If only you could trust a demon. Or a fashion designer.
The dress Jack made was a light blue, like ice. The bodice fit snugly around my chest, and the bottom was flowy, rather than poofy. It was a one shouldered dress, which I usually hated. This one, however, was bearable. The dress was beautiful with my hair, but I didn't let Jack see. I wasn't in the mood to model anything. I just wanted to get working again on the stupid ball.

I was still hopelessly confused, though. What tea do you serve at a goddamn ball?

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