Tea Parties for Joyful Occasions

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The next morning, I woke up from a restless sleep. It was rather hard to sleep when you knew that the world could potentially end soon.

Taking a few deep breaths, I rose out of the bed and walked to my dresser. Oddly enough, at a time like the one I was facing, all I was focused on for the moment was picking something to wear. I needed something that was at least somewhat dressy, so there were two routes I could pick. I could wear something kind of intimidating, like my black, strapless training top and leather black pants that I trained in, but I didn't want the girl to be super intimidated. On the other hand, I could wear a dress. Perhaps a light pink one. However, she might not take me seriously enough if I wore that. I wasn't wearing a pink dress just to make sure a girl didn't get scared of me. After thinking about this one, simple thing for ten minutes, I compromised. I picked out a strapless white dress with a black border on the top and bottom of it. The dress complimented both sides of me, and it had a sweetheart neckline. I loved dresses with that style of neckline. Don't get me wrong, though, I still hated dresses.

After slipping on black heels and brushing through my curly red hair, I put on my makeup.  I stuck with something simple, a smokey eye and red lipstick. I almost ruined my lipstick for the day, though, by making a face in the mirror. I couldn't help it. My brown roots were barely showing through again. Minevra would have to redo my hair soon. I hated seeing the dull brown poking through. It was ugly and too... Elaine. At least I wasn't OCD. That would only make it worse.

I ran down the stairs, being careful not to trip as I jumped onto Jack, who was at the bottom of the stairs. Wrapping my arms around his neck as he stumbled in shock, I sighed. " Have you heard anything from Sebastian yet?"

"Not yet," he replied, swinging me around him so that I stood in front of him. "You were sleeping for awhile. It's a little past noon. We just ate breakfast without you."

I nodded, pursing my lips. "Oh, that's fine. I wasn't hungry."

"You should eat something now, though. You've had a rough night, and you need the energy."

With a shake of my head, I let go of him. "I'm still not hungry, Jack. I'd prefer not to eat anything until later."

"How come?"

"I don't know. Do I need to explain how my entire stomach feels at the moment to you?"


With a roll of my eyes, I started to walk away, heading towards the kitchen. "Mr. Sir Chef, is the food ready?" I called to our chef. He was a demon, of course, but a fun one. Being a D-class demon, his usual form was a dark blue, balloon sized puff ball. He was kind of adorable, but he never gave us a name to call him by. He seemed to be amused by the name Mr. Sir Chef, so we just decided to call him that.

"Almost, Miss Scarlet," his snake-like voice replied. "Where would you like the platters of food that are ready?"

I jumped into the kitchen, taking a silver platter of sandwiches in each arm. "Jack and I can get them. Are the cookies the only things that aren't done?"

"Well, yes, but I'm also making brownies, mini pies, and mini tarts as well. Is that okay?"

With a laugh, I stepped out of the way so that Jack could grab the pitchers of lemonade and water. "That's more than okay, but I don't think we're going to be able to eat all of that. We're going to have plenty of leftovers."

Jack shrugged. "I'm okay with that. I'd actually eat them all, if no one else wanted them."

"Trust me, you wouldn't be the only one eating them," Mr. Sir Chef told him, checking the oven. "I mean, I did cook them. It's only fair that I eat some."

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