Must. Kill. DEMONS.

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I woke up the next morning with an ache in my side. I sighed as I realized that I hit myself in my sleep. Again. I slowly got out of the bed and yawned, but I stopped as I remembered what happened last night. Oh.

Jack probably wouldn't let that go too easily. Or at all, really. I sighed thinking about it. This was going to be a long day, and I gave myself a pep talk before I walked out the door. I was greeted by Axel, who was swishing his tail back and forth. "They're all in the dining hall," he meowed. "Jack's arguing with Eren."

I sighed and ran off to the dining hall. As soon as I got in there, I saw Eve drinking tea, Eren glaring at Jack, Jack waving his hands dramatically, and Damon was glaring at them all. I huffed and strode into the room. Everyone looked up, and Jack pouted. "Scarlet, tell them we're a thing. Please."

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked up. "Unfortunately, yes, we are."

Jack grinned, then frowned. "Wait, unfortunately? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what you think it means," I replied in a bored voice.

Eve narrowed her eyes. "You and him? Seriously. You could do so much better."

"She does deserve better, but I'm not sure I see a better option in the room," he looked over at Damon and Eren. "No offense, you two."

Damon scoffed. "I wouldn't get into anything with her if she was the last being alive."

Eren chuckled nervously. "Even if I did like her, you've made it clear that she's your, so yeah. I'm not really an option in the first place."

I frowned. "I'm not his. You're making it sound like I'm some kind of item."

Jack wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "Of course not. I was just saying that we're meant to be. You can't get in the way of true love. That's just cruel."

I raised an eyebrow at him and he grinned. I shoved him away and shook my head. "Okay, sure, whatever. I just need to start arranging things with Eren. Speaking of that," I remembered as I turned to Eren, "did you see Minevra and the idiot next to me?"

Jack sighed as Eren nodded. "Yeah. I didn't want to change anything, though, so I'm good."

"Good. Now, you need to talk about the ceremony," I announced as Jack smirked.

"Oh, that's right. Now you have to give up your blood," he said in a singsong voice.

A kick to his shin by yours truly made him stop talking, and I turned back to Eren. "We'll get that arranged today. It will most likely be in two or three days, so prepare yourself."

"For what?" he asked curiously.

"For stuff," Jack replied as he sat back down at his spot, and I followed him.

Eren rolled his eyes at Jack's answer and huffed. "How descriptive. I'll be so prepared thanks to you, Jack."

Jack nodded with a smile. "I'll be here all week." All of us groaned at this and he pretended to cry. "Wow. You're all so mean."

I pat his back. "There, there. You'll get over it."

He hugged me. "I don't know if I will, El-"

I covered his mouth quickly, and everyone looked at me in surprise. It took Jack a moment to realize what he said, but when he did, his eyes got wide. He took my hand off of his mouth and chuckled nervously. "Sorry about that."

I simply rolled my eyes and looked at the food in front of me. After I was done eating, I went back to my office and started arranging his welcoming ceremony/ball. It was a lot of work. Everything had to be planned, even what kind of tea we'd have. I groaned in frustration as Jack and Eren came in. Eren looked insanely bored, and I understood why. "And this is Scarlet's office, with a very irritated Scarlet residing inside."

I scowled at him. "You shut up. Make yourself useful and tell me what kind of tea should be at his welcoming."

Jack laughed and shook his head. "No wonder you look like you're about to rip your hair out. I like Earl Gray."

I wrote that down on the list as Eren huffed. "Can I leave now? Jack's driving me crazy. I think he likes bossing me around."

"I am the deputy," Jack replied as he crossed his arms. "I am your elder and your superior!"

Eren looked from Jack to me. "Your her elder, yet she's got power over you."

"She doesn't in the bedroom," he replied with a wink, causing me to exclaim in disgust. 

"Jack, that's disgusting. You wish I'd sleep with you," I growled.

"I do wish," he told me in a sing song voice as he sat on my desk. "I daydream about how-"

Eren put up a hand and cringed. "Stop, dude. I don't want to hear about your pedophile daydreams."

My laugh bounced off of the walls as soon as the words escaped Eren's lips, and Jack scowled. "You're just jealous that she loves me."

"What do you see in him?" Eren asked as he shook his head. "He's really weird. And gross."

I shrugged in response, and Jack visibly shrunk. "Ouch. That stings."

"What did you expect? For me to kiss your boo-boo and make it better" I asked sarcastically as I put my hands on my hips and raised an eyebrow.

"That'd be great, darling," Jack replied cheerily as he looked at the plans on my desk. "This is going to be fun. I get to make you another dress." When I raised an eyebrow, he shrugged. "I like making them for you. It's fun."

I rolled my eyes and turned to Eren. "You are sure about this, right? Becoming one of us?"

Eren thought for a moment. "Do I save people?"

"Of course. That's pretty much our purpose," Jack answered.

The boy nodded. "And I get to kill these things that rip families and friends apart?"

Jack and I exchanged a glance, and I shrugged. "Yeah."

Eren clenched his fists. "Then I will. I will kill every last one of those wretched beings, and I won't ever give up. I will never let one get past me. I. Will kill. Every. Last. One."

I whistled. "Well someone's a little ray of sunshine, huh?"

"I like his enthusiasm," Jack mused, tapping his foot. "He'll be fun to train."

A sigh escaped my lips as I shook my head. "This house has become a ticking time bomb. I can feel every emotion clinging in the air."

Jack shrugged. "That just make this so much more interesting, my dear. Don't you think?"

"Don't call me that," I snapped as I gathered my papers and put them in a stack. "Besides, my fashion designing deputy, don't you have some dresses to sew?"

He grumbled as he left the room, leaving Eren with wide eyes. "This place is a mess. Will it be worse because of me?"

I scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous. Jack's just a drama queen. I think he views you as compititon."

The boy laughed. "Then he must be one jealous idiot."

"Well, he's my jealous idiot now," I replied with a sigh as I walked out of the room with Eren.


I am so sorry about the super late update! I got really distracted with school and other things, so I haven't had a bunch of time to work on it, but I'm not giving up yet!

Please vote, comment, and sub if you liked it! It really makes me a lot more excited to put out new chapters!

Ciao! <3

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