Andras's Secrets

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"Well, this is perfect," Jack sighed, leaning back in the rickety, wooden chair he pulled next to mine. "They're so dumb. Don't they realize they're being tricked?"

"They're being told that they'll be rewarded and worshipped. What else would a human want?" Eve replied simply, studying her nails. "Scarlet, what's our next move?"

Part of me still hated making such important decisions, but I sighed and looked at all four of them. "They may not care or help,  but we need to at least tell the angel swordmasters. They should know."

Damon snorted. "They'll accuse us of lying. I agree with you, for once. However, they may throw one of their little hissy fits."

"I don't see another option," I admitted. "And, seeing how well the rest of you can keep your composure, I'll be taking Eve with me."

She grinned and elbowed the two men next to her. "Hear that, boys? I always knew I was your favorite."

"Now, hold on-" Jack jolted forward to argue, but he moved so fast that the left, front chair leg broke. In a second he'd fell forward, hitting his nose against the wooden table.

We all stayed quiet for a moment, waiting for him to get up. With a sigh, I stood up and walked over to him. "Are you okay?" I asked. When I looked down, I saw him clutching his nose.

"I ruined my face, didn't I?" Jack groaned as he moved his hand away from his nose. It was bleeding pretty heavily, and there was a large red mark, right on the tip of his nose, from the impact.

"You're fine," I assured him. "You'll live."

Jack pouted. "Will you kiss it and make it better?"

With a sigh, I walked across the room, grabbed the first aid kit from off the wall (there was one in every room, seeing as we got hurt a lot), and dropped it on the floor next to him. "There. Make yourself better again. Anyways, Eve, I'd like to leave for their place tomorrow morning. That way, we can get it done and over with."

"Wear something nice," Damon added. "They'll be more at ease if you don't look ready to fight, but bring your swords. They can't say shit about those. We're required to carry them."

"Okay," I replied, looking at the clock on the wall. It was getting close to ten at night. " We'll be leaving at eleven in the morning. Eve and I need to get ready and rest, so this meeting is adjourned."

Eve, Eren, and Damon stood up quickly, but before she left, Eve approached me. "Remember to be careful tomorrow. Those guys would love to get their hands on you."

"We'll be together. If they tried to take down one of us, they'd have one hell of a time."

Jack groaned from the ground, still lying on his back. "That was horrible. Terrifying demons don't make bad puns."

"It's a good thing I'm still a human, then," I countered. "Goodnight, Eve. I'll gather up these letters as evidence."

She nodded, turning to walk away. "Sounds like a plan. I'll see ya tomorrow."

Once Eve left the room, I got down on my knees by the table. "Jack? I need to talk to you about something."

He slowly rose off of his back to sit up. He held a piece of white gauze up against his nose with pressure to catch the blood and stop the bleeding. "Yes? It isn't anything too dreadfully serious, is it?"

I looked over at him to see that he was staring at me, his bright red eyes full of curiosity, but maybe just the tiniest bit of apprehension. I turned my attention back to the letters, carefully picking up each piece of crinkled paper and dropping it into the pile. "Not exactly, but maybe, I guess. How are you doing?"

The Last SwordmasterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora