The Everyday Life of a Bunny Slayer

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Six months later

"Can you carry this tea tray?"

"No way,  Minerva. A demon like me is too fabulous to carry a tea tray."

I laughed at what Jack had just said and took the tea tray from Minevra's hands. I shoved the tea tray into Jack's arms, and he struggled to make sure that he didn't drop anything. "Hey! That wasn't cool!"

I stuck my tongue out and walked towards Andras's room. He'd called me over earlier, and I assumed that it had something to do with my training. This time, however, it wasn't physical combat training. Andras had chosen me to be the new the leader if he died. He thought that I would be the best for it since I planned things and fought well. I was still shocked when he told me this, though. I thought he would've picked Damon.

As I opened the door, Axel hopped out. He hissed when I almost stepped on his tail, and I picked him up to irritate him. I walked into the room with Axel, and Andras looked up and laughed. "Must you torture the poor cat?"

Axel hissed again. "Stop talking like I don't have a human brain. It ticks me off."

"We know," I replied with a giggle. I let him down and he ran off immediately. 

Andras watched Axel run off and sighed. "As you know, Scarlet, your training is officially over. You now know how to run this little group of ours. But it isn't quite over. You need to pick your deputy figure now."

I sat down across from his desk and put my hands on my lap, right on top of the sky blue dress I was wearing that day. "Speaking of deputies... isn't the deputy isn't the one that takes charge if the leader dies?"

Andras nodded. "They do, but not in this case. Damon... well, he's greedy. He's vain. He thinks that he is above everyone else. He prioritizes his desires rather than his duties.He would abuse his powers, and the rest of you would be in no position to refuse. He would do such unspeakable things..." Andras rubbed his temples. "He wasn't always like that. But, my dear, we're all still humans. Our wills are weak, and when certain situations, we give up and take what we want."

I looked down at my hands, and Andras shook his head. "Sorry. I got rather depressing. Well, who will it be. Choose wisely, though. If you pick the wrong one, it could backfire."

I thought for a moment, my eyes going out of focus. Damon was obviously out of the question; I hated his guts. Eve was all right, but she kept secrets, and she lied an awful lot. The only other person was Jack. He got distracted easily, but he was honest, loyal, and he was good on the battlefield. I didn't really see any other choice. "Jack," I told Andras as I lifted my head with confidence. "I choose Jack."

Andras nodded. "I assumed you would pick him. You always got along well."

"Did I pick who you hoped I would?"

"I won't tell you. You can see if you picked who you should have," he told me with a small grin. 

I frowned. "That's lame."

"Really? I think this just makes it more interesting. Living for several hundred years can cause severe boredom, you know."

"That's reassuring. You're all making me feel so glad to be here."

"Wonderful. Now, if something would happen to me," Andras continued as we wrote something on a paper, "you would pull out this document, which is signed by me. This states that if something happens, I am handing the role of the leader to you, rather than to Damon."

I watched him write for a moment before asking, "What if I were to die before you?"

"Then Jack would be next in line. I'm doing everything in power to make sure Damon is not put in this position."

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