A Lovely Trip to Fast Food Joints

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The next morning, I felt someone shaking me. "Scarlet, wake up."

I growled and slowly sat up as Jack started to leave the room. "The mirror is going off. We've checked already, and you have to take care of it. Make sure you take the old sword." His tone was harsh. He was still angry, it seemed.

I rolled my eyes and hauled myself off of the bed. "How troublesome," I muttered under my breath as I changed into my fighting clothes, brushed my hair, and did my makeup.

First impressions are everything, after all.

I grabbed the sword that was sitting on my dresser as I walked into the office. The mirror was beeping, but my room was enchanted not to hear it. I yawned as I tapped it and was thrown into complete darkness.

I landed in an empty, decent looking alley. I felt my chest tighten from the feeling of being trapped, just like Jack was when I summoned him. A boy who looked about fifteen frowned. "Took you long enough. I've been standing here for five minutes!"

I laughed. "Even demons need some sleep. You interrupted mine." I gagged as I smelled the familiar concoction that was in front of me. The rotten fish burrito.

He raised an eyebrow, moving his auburn hair out of his green eyes. "You seem to hate that more than I do."

"No. I think it smells heavenly," I replied sarcastically. "I just want food. I haven't even had breakfast."

He shook his head. "I don't care. I only summoned you because I need your help getting revenge."

"On who, might I ask?"

"The person who killed my girlfriend and my older sister."

"Shouldn't you be with your parents?"

 "My sis and I were orphans, and she took care of me." he replied with a slightly shaky voice. "I never knew my parents. My mom died giving birth and my dad died before I was born in a car accident."

I nodded. "I see." I walked around the circle that trapped me, stretching my legs. "This really is a tiny space. I guess this is why everyone hates being summoned."

The boy growled. "Help. Me."

"I'm getting to it," I told him as I yawned. "Give me a break. I just woke up. You're too impatient."

"If I let you out of there will you help me already?"

I stopped. "That's dangerous. You shouldn't make that kind of offer. I may just lie to get out of here."

He shrugged. "Then I'll summon a more helpful demon," he told me as he smudged the chalk on the ground.

I felt the pressure in my chest lift, and I sighed with relief. I walked out and stretched as I looked over at him. "That's also not how that works. You can't just summon up any demon. I'll get to that later," I said as I saw the question in his eyes. "But for now, I'm hungry, so let's talk about this over some food."

He frowned. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm poor. I can't buy food."

I took out my wallet and started walking. "Who said you were buying it?"

His eyes got wide as he followed me outside. He was obviously hungry; he was like a walking stick. As we walked, I looked back at him. "What's your name?"

"Eren. It's Eren."

"Last name?"

"I dropped it. I didn't want to have to hear it anymore."

I nodded and walked into a local restaurant. Eren looked around and sighed. "Couldn't you have picked a nicer place than this?"

I turned around and shrugged. "Food is food, right?"

I went up and ordered chicken tenders, and he got an extra large roast beef sandwich meal. I raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged. "I'm hungry, 'kay? You wouldn't know about that."

I thought about the orphanage I used to live in. "I actually do. I was an orphan, too, for a few months. The owner of the orphanage was a witch, Miss Tivisky."

Eren's head shot up. "That's her! I live in her orphanage, Tivisky's Home for Orphans!"

I laughed to myself and shook my head. "Small world. So I guess I'm back home."

Eren looked at me curiously. "So you're the one you escaped? Elaine?"

I cringed. Only Jack was allowed to call me that. "I go by Scarlet now, so call me that instead. But yes, that would be me."

His eyes were wide as he continued eating. "Wow."

I waved a hand dismissively and studied him. He had potential, I could feel it. He had demon blood in him. "So, your revenge. You want to kill the man who wronged you, am I correct?"

Eren's eyes turned furious. "I do. I want to take his life away, just like he took away the lives of the people I loved most."

I nodded. "Uh-huh. Then it's settled." I took out the sword and handed it to him, making sure that no one saw. "Use that to kill him. He's on Clover Street right now. Find him, kill him, and report back to me by saying my name ten times. 'Kay?" 

He frowned. "How do you know where he is?"

I grinned and put my head in my hands as I leaned towards him. "I am a demon, if you forgot somehow." The real answer? I had no clue how I knew that. It just came out.

He nodded and got up, taking his sandwich with him. "I'll see you soon then," Eren told me as he ran off. 

I stood up and cracked my knuckles. After throwing away my trash, I left and walked down the street. It started becoming more and more familiar. I smiled as I passed the spot where I first met Axel. It felt like that happened ages ago. I also went by the alley where I summoned Jack. I remembered everything, but I wasn't the same person anymore. I was different. I was dangerous, now. I had powers that I never thought existed. I shook my head and cleared the thoughts out of my head as I came upon the orphanage that I had to spend an eternity in. 

I was going to pay the devil of a woman that owned the place a little visit.

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