The Nonexistent Relationship

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After about forty minutes, Jack and I were done explaining. Eren just stared at us the whole time, showing no sign of emotion. Jack frowned. "Um, aren't you at least a little bit surprised?"

Eren looked up and shrugged. "Not really. Nothing really surprises me at this point."

I gave him an odd look. "And you're perfectly okay with this? You don't have an issue?"

The boy nodded and leaned back. "I've already done what I've wanted, I guess. What else is there? I'd rather have a cool life like this than go back to the orphanage."

Jack and I looked at each other and sighed. "He's going to be an issue," Jack mumbled under his breath.

I hit him over the head and glared. "You shut up."

Eren sighed and stood up. "It's not like it's hard to grasp. I'm in a half-demon fight club, and those half-demons fight actual demons. I'm also about to be a part of this club. The leader of it is half angel, and her deputy is a fashion designer. This fashion designer also thinks that he's in a relationship with the angel leader, who hates his guts. So really it's a nonexistent relationship."

Jack grabbed me again, hugged me, and glared. "It's the thought that counts."

I pushed him away and looked back at Eren. "Yup, you've got it."

Jack crossed his arm and opened his mouth, but I put a hand over his lips. "No. Just don't say anything. Anything that comes out of your mouth at this point is just you trying to convince him that we're a thing."

He kissed my hand, causing me to flinch away from him and fall backwards. Jack caught me with laugh. "Definitely a thing."

Eren laughed and shook his head. "She treated you like you were the Black Plague. Unless that's considered a relationship, I'm sure she hates you."

Jack looked at me with his puppy dog eyes, which weren't as effective since they were red. "Do you hate me?"

"No," I told him as I leaned towards him, our faces about two inches apart. "I loathe you."

He frowned, and I laughed. "I'm just kidding," I giggled as I punched him lightly. "I can tolerate you."

"That's not all that better."

"I know," I told him with a wink.

Eren looked between us and shook his head. "You two act like you're a thing, though."

I frowned, and Jack pumped his fist. "Who could deny it?"

"Me," I told him as I walked around to Eren. "Anyways, I'm going to take you to your room, so follow me. Jack will help you with clothes tomorrow, and Minevra will help you out if you want."

Eren nodded, obviously tired. "Okay. Let's go."

We walked up the stairs, and I found Axel sitting by Eren's door. "Oh, there you are," I said as I walked into the room.

Axel yawned and stretched. "I assumed I'd have to escort the kid down to the dining hall tomorrow. Or to Jack and Minevra, if that comes first."

I nodded. "Take him to Minevra and Jack first. He gets the option to change his name and appearance, first."

Eren watched my exchange with the cat as he sat down on the bed. "Is he a human in a cat's body?"

I nodded. "He was like me, but he almost died, so he drank demon blood and turned into one. It's all right, though. He's harmless."

Axel hissed in objection. "I wouldn't say that. I can still bite."

I laughed and pet his head, feeling him purr beneath my fingers. "Uh-huh. How frightening. I'll be sure to tell the others."

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