Look Into My Eyes- Niall Horan FanFic-Werewolf

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Hi my name is Mia! I'm 20 years old, and I'm your typical american girl! Except I'm a werewolf. My parents are just one of the many generations of my family of werewolves. My best friend Lucy is also a werewolf. I'm a special type of werewolf.... a Hued werewolf. Which I'll explain later!

Mia's POV

"But Lucy do I have too?" I asked her giving her puppy dogs eyes. "Yes! It's gonna be so much fun! I got front row seats and backstage passes!" She said super excited. "Fine I'll go!" I said defeated. "YAY! One Direction here we come!" Lucy said loudly.

""Mia! Lucy! Dinner is waiting!" My mom called us. We raced downstairs to see my whole family standing by the door. "Finally it too you forever!" My sister, Maya, said. "Oh hush it takes you that long to get ready in the morning!" I growled back at her. She rolled her eyes and walked outside. I heard Lucy giggle and we walked out the door.

'Lucy you smell that' I mind-linked her. Yes we have mind-linking are we awesome or what? 'Yeah let's go to it?' She said back. 'Fosho!' I yelled and ran towards the scent. 

Lucy was running close behind me. 'Its close' she said a-matter-of-factly. 'I can tell. Smells like hairspray, and food, and-' Lucy cut me off. 'Here they come! Hide!' I hand behind a bush while Lucy ran behind a tree. 

I see 5 wolves walk towards us. One had dark brown fur, with golden eyes. I could tell he was alpha by the way he was positioned, he stood in the middle. The one on his right had jet black fur, with dark brown eyes. On his side a wolf with light brown fur (sort of coffee looking), with piercing green eyes. On the alphas left there was a wolf with golden fur, and had electric blue eyes. Finally the last one had grey fur, with blue eyes that took me into a trance. I looked at Lucy and my eyes turned dark brown. She nodded and jumped out of her hiding spot. I ran next to her and we looked at the wolves getting in fighting position. My wolf, Kayla, started screaming "Mate! Mate!" I could feel my eyes turning the color pink. I looked at Lucy, but she was focused on the wolves. We stepped back, but they stepped forward. "Kayla! Which one is it?" I asked my wolf. "Mate! Mate!" she just screamed back. I grunted and stepped back again. I can't take this anymore! Fight back!

I jumped onto the alpha, taking him by surprise. 'Who are you?!?' I mind-linked the dude. 'The names Liam. And I'm alpha so you should probably get off!' he answered in a british accent. 'Not until I get some answers!' I  shouted back at him. 'Fine let me atleast tell my-' someone attacked me! I opened my eyes as they turned dark red. I growled and then finally noticed who was on top of me, it was the grey wolf. I looked at his eyes, they were ocean blue. My eyes turned pink again...wait what? 'W-who are you? A-and why-y did you attack my best f-friend?' he stuttuered, he had an irish accent. 'My names Mia and I attacked him cause you guys are on our turf!' I said back confidently. 

'MIA!' I heard Lucy shout my name. I looked over and saw the green eyed wolf on her. My eyes turned red again and pushed the irish guy off me. I tackled the wolf and growled at him. 'Mia get off him he's my...mate!' Lucy yelled at me. I looked at him, he had a duhh face on him. I whimpered and got off. 'Good girl.' She said. I rolled my eyes and started backing away as I saw the group circling us. Man when they're mad they look scary! My eyes turned grey and started backing away. Lucy and I ran away as fast as possible. We got to our house and turned into human form again. "Mi I found my mate and left him there!" She told me. "I think I found mine too, I just dont know which one." I said. She looked shocked at me. "Well are we gonna get ready for that concert or what?" I said getting off topic. "Oh yeah LEGGO!" she said as we ran upstairs.

-Author's Note- 

Thanks for reading guys! Sorry if you didn't like it....but yeah byye my little turtles


Look Into My Eyes- Niall Horan FanFic-WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now