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Mia's POV

It's been about 2 months since May has joined our family. Since then she's been an angel! Ok that's a small lie. She's tried to sneak our before and has given attitude and we've had to lower her cussing. But otherwise just a little angel!

We were thinking about putting her in school, but she refused saying people are shit. Well I mean can you blame her? People are shit. Oops anyways so she's homeschooled and each one of us teaches her something. Louis teaches English, Liam teaches history, Harry teaches math, Niall teaches science, Zayn teaches art, Lucy teaches Home Ec, and I get the best of all! PE aka training.

She's a natural at it! Ok another lie, she had a tough time learning how to shift or to shift back. One time she stayed in her wolf form for about 6 hours. It was hilarious! Oh and her wolf is gorgeous too! It's fur is black with gray outlining her eyes, ears, and paws. She freaked out when she saw mine. I guess Liam told her about Hued wolves first!

She's with Zayn right now doing art. Now that she's a natural in! I walked over to the door frame to see her drawing a bridge. I guess that's their new project! With every stroke she took a new detail came into the painting. She loved that the most, details. May said that the details are what tells the story. She's been spending too much time with Zayn!

I walked out of there to the living room only to see Luce and Harry being all coupley. Ew.

"OH LIAM! WE GOT SOME PDA IN HERE!" I yelled out to him. I knew he would stop it cause well I said so! Anyways he didn't come down so I take it he's either out or in the shower. I sighed and walked over to them and sat right between them.

"So guys what are we watching?" I smiled at them. Harry muttered something about privacy while Lucy actually answered me.

"Um we were watching The Avengers. Care to join?" Luce asked me but giving me that look saying leave before I kill you in your sleep.

"No! No. It's fine. I don't want to intrude. Im sure Harry is a bit annoyed with me but that's fine cause we're all friends here right? Well some of us more than others! You know what I mean?" I winked at both of them. Lord I love messing with them! I jumped off the couch and waved at them goodbye.

Then Harry just had to yell out, "Why don't you go find Niall and get busy with him?" That's when I blew my head off. I wasn't use to the whole dating scene and I wasn't exactly use to mate shit either! And he knew that.

I slowly made my way to Harry and growled at him. "Watch it Styles. I sleep in the room right next to you. Just a bit cliche but.. Sleep with not just one eye, but both eyes open tonight." With that I walked away just like I did before. But this time Harry was scared shitless. My work was done.

May's POV

This new family was amazing. So so amazing. They were all so nice and so friendly. I fit in right away! Best part was that they weren't abusive like those bastards were.

Zayn was watching me draw, actually putting a bit of pressure on me. I was doing fine so far until my arm went wild and drew a line straight through the picture. I panicked. I couldn't erase it! All the details would go with it. But I couldn't leave it either it's so noticeable! Zayns eyes were on me. I reached for the eraser but then I stopped. I put my hand down and looked closely at the mark. I could work with it. I started attaching the bridge to it. And adding small details into it.

"Done." I announced to Zayn. He stared at it for a while, analyzing it I guess?

"What happened to the mistake you made?" Mr. Malik asked, yeah I called him that I mean he's my teacher leave me alone!! Whatever so I decided to play it cool.

"What mistake?" I asked him. "I drew this without touching the eraser!" I smiled at him, hoping this sounded right.

"Well then, must've been my mistake." He grinned at me. I felt proud of myself! I wasn't the greatest in much but art was my best subject.

Look Into My Eyes- Niall Horan FanFic-WerewolfWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt