Meet My Little Friend

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Mia's POV

"What?" The little girl said. "Yeah start over! Like pretend this never happened." I clarified. She still gave me a confused look. I sighed and walked over to the wall. Just where the knife that had killed me had been. I picked it up and played with it between my fingers. "What's your name?" I asked not paying attention. "C-Carissa.." She mumbled. Liar! That's not her name. "Your real name love, none of that 'Carissa' stuff." I kinda sorta threatened. "It's May." She replied a still bit scared. "Now May, my name is Mia! How similar right?" I tried lightening the mood. "Yeah very..." She whispered. "Well May, I know you're not a vampire." I walked towards her still spinning the knife. "I am too!" She said louder. "No you're not." I said with no emotion. "Yes I am!" She said standing up.

"No you are not."

"Yes I am!"

"You are not a vampire."

"I am a vampire!"


"YES I AM! SHUT UP!" She roared through the room. She quickly covered her mouth. "I'm sorry! I won't do it again! Please don't hit me!" She cried getting on her knees. "Why would I try to hurt you?" I questioned her. "Because they always did." She pointed to the dead vampires. Mental Note: Ask Niall about dead vampires. "Now why would they hurt you?" I came closer to her. "I was different from them... my fangs were different instead of craving the blood I would crave the meat! I was a weirdo." She cried. "Hey now, don't let those words hurt you. Can I see your fangs?" I asked. She nodded her head and opened her mouth. Her 'fangs' came out. "Sweetie those aren't fangs those are canines." I put my hand on her shoulder. "But that's only for....werewolves." She said confused. "That's right...and did you always have a stronger smell than the vampires?" I asked her. "Well yes...and I wouldn't run as fast unless I was on all four legs." Finally she gets it! "See. May you're not a vampire! You're a-" "Werewolf!" She finished my sentence. "Exactly!" I said happily. "How did you know?" She questioned me. "It's called werewolf's instincts! Plus the smell of dog was in the air after the boys left." I explained. "C'mon I got a home for a rouge like you!"

Niall's POV

Where is Mia?

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