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Mia's POV

I gasped at the strange message. I looked back the house, where Niall was. "Ready Mia?" Liam called for me. "Um yeah Li, let's go!" I shouted. I hopped in the car and we drove off to my flat. I shook my leg worried for Niall. "Um Mi i'm pretty sure a leg isn't suppose to shake that fast!" Liam exaggerated. I rolled my eyes at him and stuck out my tongue. Whatever.

A few minutes we arrived at my flat. "Be right back Liam! Lucy hurry up!" I yelled. I ran up to my room and quickly changed, brushed my hair, and brushed my teeth. Making sure everything was good, i ran back downstairs. "Can we go back now? I um forgot to tell Lou something!" I tried making an excuse. "Lucy hasn't even finished yet!" Liam said shocked. "Hey Luce don't you have to work today?" I shouted to her. "Chiiizz yeah! Well see you later then bye!" She yelled back. I smiled at myself and said, "Okay so go home and then twin day!" He just nodded and we headed back.

"Niall? Niall? NIALL!" I started screaming in the house. No answer. Their cars were still out but they weren't here. "Mi where could they have gone?" Liam asked worryingly. It's about that text isn't it? OH MY! What am I gonna do? Where did they go? Are they alive? "MIA! Let's just follow their scent." Liam suggested. "Was I talking out loud?" I said confused. "Yes now let's go!" He screamed. We ran outside and shifted real quick before finding their scent and heading towards it. 

We ended up at a abandoned house in the woods. Can this person get anymore cliche? "Pfft cliche!" Liam scoffed at it. "Right?! Cmon let's go in." I commanded. We jumped onto the porch and kicked the door down. "THE PO-PO IN DA HOUSE!" I yelled. Liam covered his laughing and started to search the place. I heard footsteps upstairs, I nodded at Li and we started to go up the stairs. I heard muffled screams and a hushing noise. I mouthed "One, two, three!" Liam kicked the door down again and put his hands up in fist. I walked in like a smooth criminal and said, "Alright bitches, Mi-Mi and Li-Li are here to save the popstars." I saw Zayn. Louis, Harry, and Niall wrapped in ropes. I wanted to kill the person who did that to them. 

All of a sudden I feel a cold knife go through my stomach. It went up and down cutting my insides. "I'm not done!" A whisper said in my ear.I felt it go through my heart. I fell to my knees.

Niall's POV 

MIA! NO! Not my Mia. She's laying there lifeless. Anger boiled up in me. I tore my hands from the ropes and ripped the tape from my mouth. "Liam, untie the boys." I said without looking at him. I could feel the tension in the air. It didn't bother me. "Omg Carissa! Your first werewolf! I am so proud!" Pfft vampires, typical cold hearted freaks. "Who killed my girlfriend?" I asked with no emotion. None answered. I walked past Mia trying not to cry at her dead body. "Who the hell did it?" I asked again but yelling this time. This short brunette girl walked infront and with a big smile said, "Me." I shifted and snarled at her. She hissed and had four other girls back her up. 'Can't handle a little fight?' I mindlinked. "I don't want to make the mistake of leaving a little werewolf alone without his dead mate! So might as well tear him into shreds!" She cackled. I growled at her and attacked her small figure. All of the other vampires jumped on me. The girl said," You're gonna die!" I snapped at her but had the others climb onto me. I could barely see anything. "He's not gonna be the one dying." Liam's voice said. I felt all their weight being lifted off of me. Thank you Liam! 

Each one dead but the killer of Mia. "Alright, WHY DID YOU KILL HER?" I shouted. She flinched and just answered, "I was told to by my clan leader. I never knew the reason why." Not enough. "Who's your leader?" Liam questioned. "I'm not suppose to say, she'll kill me!" She said quickly. "To bad your already going to die!" I said. I grabbed her head and she began sobbing. This is for Mia. 

"Hey Liam sorry for ruining our twin day!" A voice said.

***Author's Note***

So SO SO SO  sorry for not updating sooner ): School has started and I don't have much time and my parents have been on my case! Sorry guys I really am. I promise to try to update more often! Forgive me please. I'll maybe update again this week just for being mean. BTW thank you so much for the1,328 reads! Love you!!!


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