Hued Wolves

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Mia's POV

Liam led us through the hallways until we got to a door that said One Direction. He opened the door and instantly I smelt food! I ran over to the precious food and saw loads of it. I started eating everything!

I heard a cough. I turned around to see five paris of eyes looking at me. Lucy was use to me eating a lot so she just sat on the couch on her phone. "It's rude to stare you know!" I said with food in my mouth.  "Mia! I already introduced myself to the boys while you were pigging out, as usual!" Lucy stood up. "Hehe sorry! I'm Mia." I told the guys. Liam spoke up, "Mia we know each other." "Yep now for the rest of ya'll!" I said grabbing some food. I sat down with my food and the boys came up to me. The first one came up and he had black hair, "I'm Zayn!" I shook his hand and moved onto the next. His hair was in a quiff, "Louis is the name, sass is the game!" I laughed at Louis. The next one curly hair, "Harry!" His dimples showed!! "Well Harry while I'm here, "I'm gonna have to play with your curls!" He laughed and sat next to Lucy, making her blush. Finally came Niall. "M-my na-ame is N-iall." He managed to stutter out. My eyes turned pink. "No need to stutter I'm just a normal person!" I said giving him a warm smile. He smiled back and I sat back down with my food. 

I ate a lot...I still felt some eyes on me. I looked up and the boys looked at me in amazment. "What? You didn't expect me to share, did you?" I asked. Niall tried grabbing a dorito. I slapped his arm away and growled at him. My eyes first were turning red, until I looked at him. Then they turned back pink. I looked away from him and heard Lucy say, "Now Mia, what did I tell you about food!?" I sighed, "If you don't share evil leprachauns will come and haunt you..." "Good now share!" She demanded. I let Niall take a chip without any eye contact. Then I heard an irish voice whisper in my ear, "Now don't forget to share hehe..." HOLY SHIZ EVIL LEPRACHAUN! I jumped up and yelled. I ran behind Lucy. I let out a whimper as she turned around and comforted me. I heard laughing from the boys. My blood started to boil and I jumped on the closest lauging boy close to me. "You think that's funny?" I growled at him. It happened to be Louis. "Mia get off him!" Lucy yelled. My eyes turned red...dark red. "Do you?" I asked him once more. 

"Mia! You bloody idiot get off him!" Lucy said. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you we're part British so yeah. "Louis you better damn answer me!" I shouted at him. I saw that he was scared, but that didn't stop me. "N-no!" he stuttered. Ugh I hate it when people stutter. "Say it without stuttering!" I yelled at him. "No..." he said quietly. I got off him. My eyes turned brown, they're natural color. I looked at Louis who was still on the floor with fear in his eyes. "Oh my gosh! Louis I'm so sorry! I lost control...I should just leave." I grabbed my jacket and my eyes filled with tears. "Mia, stay c'mon." Lucy said. "What if I can't control myself again?" My eyes turned blue. "Hey don't worry I'm fine!" Louis said trying to hide the fact that his voice cracked. "No I al-" He cut me off. "Hey your eyes are blue! But that can't  be your eyes are red, duhh!" "No her eyes are grey!" Liam said. The Harry came into it, "No her eyes are brown I saw them when she got off Louis!" And of course Niall had to bud it, "Haha very funny guys! Her eyes are pink, quite a strange color." They all started fighting over my eye color.

"HUSH!" I yelled at them. All their heads snapped in my direction. I smelled the air, it smelled like dog. "Lucy out of the room!" I told her, "But why?" she questioned. "GO FIND JOSH DEVINE! YOUR LOVE!" I shouted at her. Harry started to tense up. "OKAY BE RIGHT BACK!" she left the room and dog was still in the air. "Shift." I said blandly. They looked at me wierd. "SHIFT!" I shouted at them. Fear crossed their eyes, and they turned into werewolves...I knew I smelt dog. They all looked famliar. 

'Where have I seen you before?' I mindlinked Liam. 'How should I know!?!' he answered. 'Change back now!' I demanded. I saw all five boys back in there human state. "How did you know?" Zayn asked me. I sighed and shifted. They all looked at me in amazment. I rolled my eyes and shifted back. "YOU GOT SOME EXPAINING TO DO!" Louis shouted. "What?" I asked. "You don't know how your wolf looks like do you?" Liam asked me. I've never seen my wolf. "No why?" I questioned them. "You're beautiful..." Niall said. My eyes turned pink and blush came onto my cheeks. "Can someone tell me what I look like?" "Well your plain white, but have a rainbow streak down the middle of your back." Harry explained to me. "Now wjere have I seen you before?" Liam asked. Should I tell them? "Give me a piece of paper and something towrite with!" I ordered. 

Niall's POV

I got her the things she needed and she started writing something down. Once she finished we read what she wrote:

Black/Dark Grey- Lonely

Grey- Bored

Red- Mad

Orange- Playful

Yellow- Dizzy/Sick

Green- Shy

Blue- Sad/Sorry

Purple- Excited/Happy

Brown- Anyother emotion

We all looked at her confused. Her eyes were green. "I am a Hued werewolf!" She said plainly. "Umm Liam what does that mean?" I asked. His eyes were wide open. "Hued werewolves' eyes tell their emotion, plus they get special powers only special Hued wolves get all powers." He said sill in shock. Then he got on his knee and grabbed her hand. He kissed it and said, "Truly an honor!" I tensed up on him touching her. Well she is my mate! At least I think so...I'm new to this. She blushed and that made me growl. She looked up at me and her eyes were pink again. I took the paper and looked for pink...nothing. "Hey Mia, your eyes turn pink why isn't that on here?" I asked. "Niall her eyes have never turned pink." Liam said standing up. "Yeah they have! I've seen them! Right Mia?" I told Liam. "Yeahhh about that, my eyes are only suppose to turn pink when I see my mate..." She said shyly. Before he head went down I saw her eyes turn green. "Wait does that mean?" Harry asked. "Niall's my mate." She said still looking down. "MY LITTLE NIALL FOUND HIS MATE!" Liam shouted. "Liam! I'm gonna be 20!!" I groaned. "Whatever! Your mate is a hued werewolf! You know what this means? HUED NIECES AND NEPHEWS!" Louis exclaimed. He ran and hugged Harry. I lifted her chin up so she could look at me and instantly her eyes turned pink. "Don't stop looking at me." I told her. She obeyed and I called the lads over to see. She just kept looking at me and then boys aww'd in her eye color. 

"Hey guys I'm back! Miss me?" Lucy came through the door.  Mia turned around and her eyes turned purple! "LUCE! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! ONE DIRECTION ARE WEREWOLVES TOO!" She yelled. Lucy looked confused so we shifted. Her mouth went to an 'O' shape. We went back and she was whispering something in Mia's ears. "Hey guys! Who's alpha?" Lucy asked. Liam raised his hand. Then she continued to whisper in Mia's ear. "Liam did you happen to be attacked by a wolf looking just like mine?" Mia asked. "I didn't get a good look but her coat was white yeah. Why?" He answered. "Cause that was me..." Mia said.

***Author's Note***

Wow long chapter! I loved it! Tell me what you think!!

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