Chapter 1

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Ew get a room.

Please leave.

Find a different place.

Stop torturing me.

Everywhere I look there are mated couples kissing, cuddling, or starting to make their 'family' bigger. I hate it all. I envy all of those girls who have found their mates and who are happy. Why can't I have that?

Speaking of mated couples, here come my best friends now. "April!!! Guess what?" Asked one of my best friends Crystal. Crystal was beautiful with her long honey colored hair and green eyes. She was 5'6 with curves in all of the right places and she had an amazing personality. She was kind, loving, smart, just overall perfect.

"What is it?" I replied. She started bouncing up and down in her spot, her boyfriend and mate Nate looking at her with so much love and affection it makes me feel like another nail hit my heart. Nate is our Third in Command's son, and he will be taking the position after he is done with his training. He is pretty built because of it, and he has black hair cut short with hazel eyes. He is taller than both of us at 6'2 and he is the perfect mate for Crystal.

"Nate is taking me to the new club that opened up for my birthday and you are invited!!!" She tells me. I want to tell her no, that I would rather stay home and do anything else. The club is just not my scene, it's too loud, there are people trying to touch you in places that shouldn't be touched, and others are just way too drunk to figure out what is going on around them.

"Do I really have to go? I mean, we could just stay inside and watch a movie," I say back, although it's pretty pointless considering that she was already shaking her head before I even finished my sentence. "No you have to go, it's part of being the birthday girls best friend, you have to do what they want." I don't recall making that rule before.

Nate looks at me, begging me to make his mate happy and say yes already. I sigh, knowing that I am going to regret this decision, "Alright fine I will go." She squeals in happiness, making Nate and I cover our ears from the horrible noise, and then she jumps onto me, hugging me with all her strength. Considering we are werewolves, that is enough to make a humans head pop off due to the force of it.

She kisses Nate goodbye, telling him to meet us here in about four hours so that we can get ready, and pulls me by the arm in the direction of the pack house. A majority of the pack lives in here, including my family the Alpha's, the Beta family, and Nate's family. It's a pretty big house I guess, it's five stories high, and covers a huge majority of the land.


Exactly four hours later, Crystal, Nate and I all walk into the club. Apparently Nate was able to get us in for free because it was Crystals birthday, and access to free drinks plus the VIP section. All he had to do in return, was play an alcoholic game against one of the bouncers, which should be no problem since werewolves have a big metabolism.  

Crystal and I walk over to the VIP section to get comfy while we wait for Nate to finish his game. We sit down and I take that time to look around the club where people are grinding against each other to the beat of the music, guys buying girls drinks and even sometimes the other way around. I have even noticed some couples making out in the far dark corners of the room, which makes my patience with my future mate run thin.

I'm nine-teen and I was supposed to find my mate last year, but I couldn't find him. My parents even did a party for me and invited all of our neighboring packs in hopes that I would find my mate and the future Alpha of our pack. That's one of the things that I hate about being a female, especially an alpha female. I am not allowed to take over the pack unless I find my mate so he can become the Alpha and I- the Luna.

I am brought back to reality from Crystal's constant tapping on my shoulder. I didn't even realize that she has been trying to get my attention for the past five minutes. I turn to her wondering what she wanted and she leaned in closer to my ear so that I will be able to hear her over the loud music, "I am going to go and dance with Nate, try to have fun. For me?" she tells me.

I look up and finally notice Nate, his face is a little flushed from the amount of alcohol he must have consumed, but other than that he looks sober. Ish. I look back at Crystal and nod my head, reassuring her that I will be fine and that I will try to have as much fun as possible. She looks me over, and fixes my hair a bit before nodding and then walking off with Nate to the dance floor.

As much as I hate clubbing, I love what Crystal has done with my appearance. She made my long dark brown hair look longer and fuller by straightening it and adding some hair products to it. She also made me borrow one of her many dresses that make my 5'7 and 1/2 frame look amazing. It is black with some sparkly silver stripes going down the sides and stops about a little lower than mid-thigh. It has a sweet-heart neckline and it is strapless. She paired it off with her black and silver bottomed pumps, making my long legs look even longer.

I have a few silver bracelets and the necklace my mother gave me on my sixteenth birthday. My make up was done perfectly, with just a little bit of blush on my cheeks, some red lipstick to make my big lips look bigger, and she did a Smokey-eyed look for me, making my grey eyes pop. That's the only thing that I like about my myself (I had inherited my grey eyes from my father), everything else about me is just average.


About three hours into the night, I had migrated over to the bar, day-dreaming about the day that I would meet my mate. I have been so into my dream that I didn't even notice a guy sit next to me and start talking. "Hey there hot stuff, how are you doing tonight?" said the stranger. He sounded wasted, he smelled of every type of alcoholic drink out there, and to summarize his appearance in one word- it would be revolting. I took a final sniff, coming to the realization that he was a human. Ugh.

"I'm good. I feel even better when I am alone, so if you would please turn around and leave, it would be very much appreciated." I yell, so that he can hear me over the music. Instead of listening to my demands, he steps closer to me and whispers in my ear, "how about I buy you a drink, and we can get to know each other. You seem like a fun girl," is his response. I look down after feeling something on my thigh to see that it is the strangers hand. He starts to lift it a little higher, showing his true motives.

I knock his hand off of my thigh, stand up and push him away. "Unless my words didn't get through to your thick skull, I. Don't. Want. You. Near. Me." I emphasize each of the words at then end so that he would get my point. He goes to grab my waist but I take his hand and snap it, satisfied when I hear a bone crack and his cries of pain. I slap him across the face, before I push past him and walk to the hallway that I saw the bathrooms in.

I keep walking until I get to a little space in a corner and lean against the wall, taking deep breaths. As I breathe in deeply one more time, and amazing sent reaches my nose. It smells like pine needles and some type of citrus- orange maybe? I follow the sent a bit, wondering where it will lead me. It's getting stronger now and it is making my mouth water and my body tingle.

 Mate!  yells my wolf. I stop abruptly, shocked that my wolf spoke for the first time since my eighteenth birthday.

Don't just stand there, go to mate! she yells again, and she doesn't have to tell me twice. I speed walk to the place where the sent was coming from when I see the back exit door slightly open. I walk out, not seeing anyone, but the sent is still there- albeit it is a little faint. Where is he? I sniff the air a bit and catch his sent again. I follow it, and it leads me to a lake in the middle of the woods where it just stops.

I turn around in circles, wondering where he could be, it's almost as if he just walked off the face of the earth.

Mate, my wolf whimpers, calling out to him in a silent plea, hoping that he will show up.

But he doesn't.

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