Chapter 4

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April's P.O.V (Before Aiden gets captured)

Crystal, Nate and I were all in the living room doing a little bit of our project, when my dad came home from training some of the teenage warriors. I watch as he kisses my mother sweetly and then hugs her tightly to his body. He whispers something in her ear that makes her blush and then giggle. Would my mate be like that?

"Alpha! There have been more rogues near the border. Two of them ran off, but we have one in the cells!" Says Robert, my dad's third in command.

My dad growls a bit before asking, "what are you doing with him?" He starts to walk with Robert outside of the house. I am able to hear Robert say, "Adam and Chase are interrogating him right now," before they're out of ear shot. Probably headed towards the prison cells.

It's another five minutes before Crystal says that she and Nate have to get going because they have a date. We pack up our stuff and then I walk them to the door, once they leave, I smell that scent again. 

Mate!!! yells my wolf. I jump on the spot, a little excited, and then I follow the scent to the dungeon. Huh, that's weird. Why would he be in the dungeons? I walk down the stairs, his scent getting stronger, when I see Adam and Chase beating up the rogue that they captured.

Once I realize that the scent is coming from the beaten up rogue, I gasp and grab onto my dad's arm, tugging it a bit to get his attention. 

"April? What are you doing here? Go back to the house, now!"my dad yells in worry. He always gets worried when I am outside of the house and there are rogue sightings. 

"But dad, he is my mate," I reply. I hope that he will tell the others to stop. My dad looks at the rogue, and then back to me with a hesitant look on his face. When he sees that I am being serious, he sighs and then turns to Adam and Chase.

"That's enough!" He yells in his Alpha voice making everyone, including me, bow to him in submission. Once Adam and Chase step away from my mate, I run over to him and put his head on my lap.

The moment my hands touch his head, tingles shoot up my arms. "Mate," I whisper while brushing his bangs out of his eyes. His eyes flutter a bit but don't open, and then his whole body goes limp. I fear that he died but after waiting a few seconds, I hear his heart beat. I sigh in relief, until I see the gash on the side of his body still oozing blood. I tell my dad to call the pack doctor and Robert picks him up to bring him to the packs infirmary. 

Once we get there, the pack doctor has the emergency table all set up and ready to go. Robert lays him down on the table and the pack doctor tells us to wait outside so that he can tend to his wounds.

We step outside and we wait. I pray to the moon goddess that my mate will be okay.


About three hours later

The pack doctor comes through the door and tells us that my mate is okay and that the wound will be healed by tomorrow. Out of happiness and relief, I hug the pack doctor tightly and then run to the bedside of my mate. I grab his hand, feeling the tingles shoot up my arm and travel all over my body, and just stare at him.

Even with his hair all messy and mud all over him, he still looks like the most handsome person to ever walk the planet. In all honesty, I didn't expect to meet my mate this way, but I will take what I can get. I wonder why my mate became a rogue. Did he get kicked out? Did he do something bad? I'm sure whatever it was, we can get through it together. 

I stayed with him all day, just waiting for him to wake up. My mother had come in to tell me to eat something, and when I would only eat about half of the food, she just gave up and left me alone. 

I kept looking at him, to the point where I probably look like a freak, but I don't care. He had long curly black hair (not sure if it is because of the mud or if it's natural), high and defined cheekbones, a slightly bumpy nose, and a strong jawline with a bit of stubble on it. I grab his hand again and I look at the stark contrast between the both of us. His hand his so much bigger compared to mine and his skin his slightly darker than mine.

I look over at the clock on the wall and see that it is about 8:30 at night. I look back over to my mate after hearing a slight moan coming from him. I see his eyes fluttering open, until they are looking up at the ceiling. He has a slightly confused look on his face, until one of shock takes over his face. He pulls his hand away from mine and holds it close to his chest, almost as if I just burned him or something.

He looks at me with those dark, almost black eyes. Wow, they look like black holes, bringing me into their dark abyss. I break out of my thoughts when I see his lips moving. 


"I said, to get away from me," said my mate in a slightly raspy voice. 

Ouch. That one really hurt, and I whimpered a bit.

"Huh?" was my smart reply. I looked at his eyes again, and I could have sworn I saw some fear and worry in them. His chest as moving up and down at a fast rate, and I thought he was scared that I was going to hit him also.

I get up off my chair, and gently cup his face in my hands, noticing the slight flinch he had but deciding to let it go. 

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I will make sure that nobody will hurt you again," I tell him. I see his eyes soften a bit and his mouth part a bit in shock.

Then sadness and worry comes back into his eyes. The next words he says to me nearly broke me in two,

"You may not hurt me, but I don't know if I will hurt you. I'm a monster."

And then he turns away from me and falls asleep again.

What has he done in the past to make him believe he is a monster? 

My Abused MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon