Chapter 22

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April's P.O.V.

*Two Months Later*

Well its official, Aiden and I have now graduated from school and we are getting ready for our ceremony. Today we will be becoming Alpha and Luna of both my pack and Alpha Michaels pack, so I am a little nervous. I take one final look in the mirror at my reflection, trying to find any imperfections. I am wearing a dark blue gown and in the inside of the bottom of the dress is a nice sky blue. I have paired the dress with a nice pair of sparkly silver pumps with silver jewelry to match. Crystal has curled my hair again because I know that Aiden loves it curled and then did my make up natural. A bit of eyeshadow and mascara, with lipgloss and I was done.

My mother gave me a head piece that she wore during her ceremony and when I have to pass down the Luna position to the next in line, I will hand down this head piece also. Apparently it is a tradition in this pack so I will continue to uphold it. 

As I continue to look at my reflection, Aiden comes up and hugs me from behind, "you look beautiful," he whispers in my ear. I turn around in his embrace and look him over. If I thought he looked hot in casual clothing, than he he looks extremely hot in a suit. "you don't look to bad yourself," I whisper back.

He kisses me a little bit and then I giggle a bit when we pull back, "what's so funny?" He asks with a smile on his face.

"You've got lipgloss all over your lips," I say and giggle again. He licks his lips to get it off, "mhm, it tastes like bubble gum," he says. This time I laugh loudly at his antics.

I see his tie hanging from his pocket, so I grab it and then start tying it for him, "thanks, I didn't know how to do it," he confesses with a blush on his face. Once I am finished with his tie and then lightly kiss his cheek, wiping the lipgloss off afterwards. 

My mother walks into my room and tells us that it is time to go. She takes a fast picture of us and then leads us to the backyard. Wow, those are a lot of wolves. I start to panic a bit, and then relax when Aiden grabs my hand in his. As long as he is here with me, I will forever be okay.

We walk onto the stage and begin our ceremony. My father goes on to explain how we will be the new Alpha and Luna of both packs. Once that is done, Alpha Michael comes onto the stage and completes the ritual with Aiden, passing his pack down to him. While my father does the same thing with me, Alpha Michael tells his pack what an amazing leader Aiden will be and that they have nothing to worry about. 

Alpha Michaels pack cheers for Aiden, and when he is done, my father does the same thing for Aiden while I walk over to Alpha Michael for him to pass down his pack to me as well. He smiles and hugs me, and then does the same thing he did for Aiden for me, just with different words.

Aiden and I come pack to the middle were a challis sits, with one drop of blood from each member of both packs resting inside. 

"Aiden and April, inside of this cup, holds the blood of the pack members that have put there trust, faith, lives in your hold," My father begins.

"Aiden, do you agree to take on the lives of your fellow pack members, to be there for your mate, and promise to be the best Alpha you can possibly be?" Asks Alpha Michael.

"I do," speaks Aiden in a clear and determined voice.

"You may drink from the cup," says Alpha Michael. Aiden takes the cup from his fathers hands and takes a sip. He hands the cup back to his father and takes a step back. 

My father takes the cup next and I take a step forward.

"April, do you agree to take on the lives of your fellow pack members, to be there for your mate, and promise to be the best Luna you can possibly be?" Asks my father. 

"I do," I respond.

"You may now drink from the cup," says my father. I drink the remaining blood from the cup and then pass it to my father. I step back next to Aiden and grab his hand in mine. He squeezes it back in reassurance.

"Now fellow pack members, Alpha Michael and I would like to introduce your new Alpha and Luna!" Yells my dad. Both the packs erupt into claps and cheers.

"Aiden, April? Would you like to say something to your new pack?" Alpha MIchael asks. I look at Aiden because I haven't really prepared anything to say to our pack. He looks at me and then pulls me to the front of stage.

"Um hello," Aiden begins. "I just wanted to let you know, that April and I are still a little new to this whole thing, but I am confident that with the help of your new betas and third in commands, that we will get through this. All I am asking for is your trust and patience. Thank you," says Aiden. The betas and third in commands from both packs that will help us, walk onto the stage and stand next to us. 

We spend the next five minutes or so introducing them and the positions that they hold.

"Now that you know who they are and their positions in this pack, I would like for all of you to know that the positions in this pack do not mean anything. We are all equal, so do not walk around in fear thinking that you can not talk to us okay? My office door is always open for those who would like to talk, even if it is for a minimal conversation," Aiden says.

"Also, if ever you have any comments or ideas on ways that we can improve the pack, let us know and we will try to incorporate them," I mention.

"Now lets party!" Aiden says. 

We all laugh and then get off the stage. For the next five to six hours, Aiden and I walk around the backyard and introduce ourselves to our pack members, getting to know what they do and the little shops they own. After that, Aiden and I had spent some time with the pups of the pack, all the while feeling our connection to the pack grow.

Another hour later, we all decide that it is time to head on off to bed. Aiden walks into my room right away.

"I think it's about time you and I completed the mating process," Aiden whispers in my ear. 

I turn to him and look into his eyes, checking to see if he is being serious, "really?" I ask.

When he nods, I kiss him with all the love I have. We keep kissing while removing our clothes and walking over to the bed. By the time we land on the bed, we are completely naked, lips are swollen and we are breathless. 

"Aiden, condom," I tell him, while trying to catch my breath. He nods and then runs out of the room. About two minutes later he comes back into the room with a strip of condoms.

"Where did you get those?" I ask him.

"Nates room," he replies and then climbs back onto the bed with me.

He kisses me some more before pulling back, "I love you April," Aiden tells me.

"I love you Aiden," I say back, because I truly mean it.

He puts one of the condoms on and then looks me in the eyes.

He made me that happiest girl in the world that night. 

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