Chapter 18...

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Kind of edited! 

The cover above was made by the sweet @pilludesai98 . Thank you so much! (if you want to send me a banner/cover/trailer feel free to do it! I love seeing the things you guys make) 

Song above is Storm by Ruelle. I feel like this is the books theme song. Do you agree?? 

Happy Reading! :)

"So what is function of this equation?" Macey asked pointing to one of the math problems on the piece of paper in front of me. I stared down at the math worksheet almost willing it to grow a pair of legs and walk away. We have been here in the library for over 3 hours now doing homework and some studying and my head was about to explode. My eyes were going crossed from staring down at words this entire time.

Right now Macey was trying to help me with some difficult math questions but I just couldn't seem to get it. Math was definitely not my strong suit and by now I just wanted to rip it into shreds. No matter what Macey did to try and explain it to me I couldn't get the right answer. In the last 30 minutes we had been doing this we have only done one problem, one!

"I don't know." I mumbled from between my arms. I was laying down on my arms on the table.

"Carter come on."

As much as I loved Macey and knew she was trying to help I just wanted to stuff a pillow in her face. She wouldn't let me give up, which was a good thing, but at the same time aggravating. It wasn't like Macey didn't know what she was talking because she did but the way she was explaining it just wasn't clicking. In that moment I never needed/wanted my brother so bad.

Whenever I needed help with math homework either Luke or Ethan would help me. Something about the way they explained it just clicked and I got it. Especially with Luke, he just knew the right things to say to me and is usually the one to help. But sadly both him and Ethan were on a busy right now heading to their next football game. With it being an away game Macey and I were the only ones here, even Amy could go with the cheer team.

It was Friday afternoon, a full week after the party and a full week after seeing Gage. The week had flown by pretty quickly thanks to surprise quizzes, tons of homework and essays, and future tests coming up. It was like the professors all got together and thought it would be a great idea putting multiple tests on the same day; hence the 3 hour study session.

The only time I had seen Gage was during English class Monday and Thursday but since both of us were so busy we hadn't said more than 10 words to one another. It sucked that we only had two classes together and I still didn't even have his phone number; I was kicking my butt for that one. It was strange at how I missed him even though it has only been a week. For some odd reason I just wanted to talk to him even if it was for a few minutes.

Along with Gage I didn't see much of my brother nor Ethan. Everyone was trying to stay a float with assignments and for the boys they had practice on top of everything. The one time I did see them was when all four of us went to dinner on Wednesday.

At first the dinner was awkward since there seemed to be tension between Ethan and I and surprisingly between Macey and Luke. But thankfully it passed by and we returned to our normal selves. Ethan had apologized for leaving on the dance floor like he did. As much as I wanted to hate him for it I wasn't mad at all. In fact I was kind of glad. Glad that it happened because if it didn't I wouldn't have had a good time with Gage instead. It was weird but I couldn't explain it. In some ways I was stupid for forgiving Ethan so easily but it was just who I was. I forgave and forgot, it was better that way instead of holding a grudge against him forever; it would have made a difference anyways.

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