Chapter 46....

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Love this cover sent to me! Whoever you are...thank you!! <3 <3

Song is....How Far I'll Go from Moana! I haven't seen the movie but I am obsessed with this song. 

Happy Reading!!!

Carter's POV

"You are still sulking aren't you?" Macey asked coming into my room. I was trying on my laptop stalking Gage's facebook. He didn't have much on it other than a few pictures but nothing from this year.

"No I'm not." I muttered, shutting my computer screen and setting it aside.

"Yes you are. It has been a week. You need to get out of the house." She came more into my room and looked around.

7 days since I heard from Gage and I may or may not be going crazy. Who knew I was so dependent on the damn boy. I haven't done much but sit around the house, eating or watching tv. I am pretty sure my parents are getting sick of me by now.

"I don't need to get out of the house." I flopped back against my pillows.

"Yes you do. Have you even showered in the last 7 days?" I stayed silent not answering. "Okay that is it. You are going to get your ass out of bed and shower. You stink!" I felt a hand on my arm before I was yanked upwards. I looked at Macey only to be met with angry green eyes.

"Up. Now." Macey looked very angry. With wide eyes, not sure what she will do, I nodded. While she watched me I finally got out of bed and headed for the shower. I glanced over my shoulder to see her standing there, hands on her hips, staring after me with a hard look on her face. Not wanting to face her wrath I picked up my pace and shut the bathroom door behind me.

Glancing in the mirror I groaned. I looked like crap. My brown hair was falling out of its bun and looked disgusting, since I haven't washed it since the night of the party. My face was pale and I had bags under my eyes. No wonder my brother and Ethan kept giving me weird looks.

Sighing I started the water and took of my sweater and sweats, the two things I have been living in lately. When I stepped into the warm shower I closed my eyes. I stood there under the water for a few minutes, already feeling better than I did before.

It took me another good 15 minutes to wash my hair and body before I finally got out. My fingers were pruned but I felt a lot better. I dried off and wrapped the towel around me before I left my bathroom to get dressed. When I came out of the bathroom I noticed Macey was still there. She sat on my bed texting.

"Feel better?" She asked, not even looking up from her phone.

"Actually, yes." I nodded.

"Good. Now lets get you dressed and we can go." She set her phone aside and went over to my closet.

"Go where?" I asked.

"Anywhere. You need to get out of the house for a few hours. Fresh air will do you good." She leafed through my clothing that I left in my closet, which was still a lot.

"Here where these." She tossed pieces of clothing in my direction. I caught them just in time before they fell to the floor. Knowing not to argue I shook my head, going over to my dresser to grab some underwear. Once I had what I needed I went back to the bathroom to change.

I didn't really want to admit it but I was kind of excited to get out of the house. I have been cooped up for 7 days and I was missing the outside world, although that is my fault. I guess I just needed a push from someone to get me going. If not I'd spent my entire winter break staring at my phone willing for it to buzz or drowning myself in food.

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