The rejection

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That's Mark right there^^^

Melissa's P.o.v:
I woke up to a burning smell.  I got out of bed and went downstaires.  I saw Daniel and the kitchen was on fire.  I took the fire extinctquisher and extinctquished the fire. Then i looked at Daniel. "Explain now!"i demanded.  "Ok before you freak out i was just making breakfast for the pack and i left  the stove on.   So....... yeah"he said.  I shook my head and replied"i'm going to take a shower and you need one too. " I said to Daniel pointing at his outfit that was now shredded and burned.  I laughed and awhile later Daniel joined me.  After i showerd i decided to take a walk in the park on my way there i bumped into someone sending sparks everywhere and an amazing smell filling my nose. Mate!mate! The wolf in me screamed. I looked up to see my mate's face aka the Alpha of my pack.  And he did not look happy. "I Mark Derek Johnson reject you Melissa Amathyst Rose."he said.  Heartbreak that's all i felt heartbreak. "I Melissa Amathyst Rose exept your Mark Derek Johnson rejection" i said and   ran towards the swing and sat on it.  Thinking why i thought my mate would exept me.  I'm just a failure,i don't deserve to live.  So i decided that i would run away.  But not before telling Daniel and leaving a note for my mate or should u say ex-mate. When i got to the packhouse i immediatly ran to my room and started packung my clothes.  I heard the door creak and soon enough Daniel stood next to me.  "Where are you going?"he asked.  I ignored him feeling tears brim in my eyes. Daniel sighed and grabbed my hands and forced me to look into his eyes. "Why are you crying? Tell me what happend."Daniel said begging me to tell him.  I have to.  "I found my mate. "I said.  Daniel smiled so i continued.  "But he rejected me.  "I said finally letting the tears fall.  "That son of a b*tch! How dare he hurt my best friend! Tell me who he is"Daniel said. "The alpha"i said.  Daniel's eyes widend.  "I'm running away from this hellhole.  Do you wanna come with me ?"i asked Daniel continuing with packing. I looked at Daniel for his answer, he nodded and started packing his bag too. "We'll leave at midnight but i have to write a note to my mate first if he ever comes in here to find me."i said.  Daniel nodded unterstanding.  We waited till twelve o'clock midnight and i wrote a note fast saying:"i hope you are happy now that i am gone. You rejected me and i don't care anymore.  I thought my mate would get me out of this hellhole but he only made it worse.  So i leave you and don't try to find me because you won't find me." I took my packpack and grabbed Daniel's hand and we raced towards the boarder.  And snuck past the guards.  We could feel our connection with the pack weakening until it was no longer there. Daniel and i shifted into our wolfs and ran until we stopped to rest. We sprinted for what felt like hours so we decided to stop and sleep out here for the night.  We slept to rest our bodies until we had to run again...

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