Joining the Bloodmoon pack

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That's Daniel up there^^^
Melissa's P.o.v:
We were walking for nine days.  And we're super tired.  We walked until we could'nt do it anymore.  We collapsed on the ground. I heard footsteps coming our way. "Do you hear that Danny?"i asked Daniel quietly listening to the steps. Daniel stoped moving and listened too. "Yeah"he said while nodding. "What are you rogues doing on our territory."a deep voice said.  I looked up to see a muscular man in his thirties.  "We ran away from our pack because we were treated badly. Can we join your pack."i said in one full breath. The man who i assume is the Alpha looked at me for a second then nodded. "Yes,by the way i am Alpha Jason. Welcome to my pack. We treat everyone with respect here so you will fit in just fine."Alpha Jason said.  I nodded. 
"I am Melissa,this is my best friend Daniel."i said poiting to Danny. I feel like calling him Danny from now on Daniel is too formal. "Follow me. We will show you to your rooms in our pack house. Would you like to share a room with seperate beds or seperate rooms?"Alpha Jason said.  I looked at Danny,he nodded.  "Share a room with seperate beds please."i said.  Alpha Jason nodded.  "Oh and i would like you guys to meet my mate and the Luna of this pack Luna Clarrissa."he said. A woman stood next to Alpha Jason and she was really pretty. "Hi Luna Clarrissa i'm Melissa and this is my best friend Daniel."i said introducing me and Danny. "Hello Melissa and Daniel.  Welcome to the Bloodmoon pack."Luna Clarrissa said.  I nodded so did Danny.
Alpha Jason showed us the room we'll be sharing in the pack house.
"We wanted to ask you guys if you wanted to join us in training we could really use some extra people."Alpha Jason said. I nodded.  "Yeah,i'm totally in.  What about you Danny?"i asked looking at Danny. He nodded. "Me too and i could use some extra muscle. "Danny said flexing. I laughed and soon Alpha Jason and Danny joined me.  Our stay at the pack was amazing. And Alpha Jason was right they do treat you with respect here. Not lower than dirt.
I went to bed fresh and clean. Dreaming about what my life could have been like if i had'nt ran away.

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