Chapter One: New News.

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Chapter One: New News. 

Riley's POV:

I wake up on Monday, ready for school. I hate Mondays. I always have, always will. I climb out of my bed, pulling my pyjamas off and putting on black skinny jeans, white Converse and my light blue hoodie. I brush my jet black layered hair and apply some black eye-liner, which makes my 'melted chocolate brown' eyes look bigger. Yes, that was a quote, from my friend.
Then I go downstairs and eat my breakfast, shoving toast into my mouth.

''Riley, do you need to eat like that?'' my mum asks me, giving me a look full of reproach. I shrug, not really caring. I'm eating like this so I'm not late for school, but I don't exactly wanna miss out on breakfast though so yeah.

''Riley, stop eating like a pig!'' she says, sighing.

''Fine. I've gotta go, bye Mum.'' I say, swallowing the last bit of toast, grabbing my bag from off the floor and leaving the kitchen.

''Riley! We have visitors this afternoon!'' she calls after me. I sigh. I don't care if the Queen comes to our house. My mum makes a total fuss of everything. I trudge to school with my head down, keeping my face from the wind.

Okay, so I'll admit it. I guess I'm a bit curious about who's coming over later.

My mum seemed pretty nervous, so maybe it was someone important?

Or maybe not. I shrug to myself. Who cares?

''Riley!'' I hear someone call my name. I turn to see Jen running towards me. One of my many friends.

 ''Walking to school on your own today?'' she asks, playfully bumping my arm with her elbow.

''Yeah, I didn't think you were coming today.'' I reply, pulling the hood of my top back a bit so she can see my face.

''No, well, I didn't want to, but here, listen to this.'' Jen says, pulling a piece of paper out of her bag.

''British band, One Direction are taking a break to go see some relatives, Harry (One of the band members) has said.'' Jen reads. Then she looks up and says:

''They're coming to our town!''

''Aw man! I don't want them to come to our town! I mean, yeah, the boys are all right, but the girls at school who like them are gonna be so annoying today.'' I groan. Then I ask, ''When are they coming?''

''Today.'' Jen affirms. I sigh, thinking of all the girls screaming.

We walk to school in silence, Jen only letting me know that we could hang out at her house today.

When I walk through the gates the rest of my friends, Holly, Erin, Jackie, Nikki and Dani come running up. I have a few boy mates too, but yeah  those are my main ones.

''One Direction are coming to our town!'' Holly cries, grabbing me by the shoulders.

''I know!'' I reply, rolling my eyes, gently getting her hands off me.

''I don't want them to come to town.'' Jackie says, sighing.

''And you think I do?'' I ask her, setting my bag down by my seat. We'd walked to class by then.

''Seriously. I mean, yeah, they're cute and their music is fine, but why do girls have to love them so much?'' Erin asks us. We all shrug and sit down as the teacher comes in.

''I wonder what they're like to know personally.'' Nikki whispers. We all sit together in a line. I'm in the middle with Holly and Nikki beside me. Jackie sits beside Nikki and Erin sits beside Holly. Dani sits beside Jackie and Jen sits beside Erin. Confusing, I know.

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