Chapter Nineteen: A Change Of Heart.

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Chapter Nineteen: A Change Of Heart.

Warning: This chapter isn't going to be as long as the other one. Sorry.

Riley's POV:

When my alarm clock goes off, I groan and start pressing buttons on it, trying to turn it off. Then, when it doesn't I just throw it on the floor, turn over and go back to sleep.

Well, I tried. But then the boys come in and start jumping on my bed, slowly but surely pushing me off my bed and to the ground.

''Boys, stop it!'' I yell and then my head connects with the floor with a loud 'clunk.'

''Ohh, are you okay?''

''Ow. I'm good.'' I reply. The bottom half of my body is still on the bed and my top half is off and on the floor, bending me backwards.

Harry and Niall grab my arms and pull me back up to my bed, where I glare at them. Then I punch each of them on their arms.



''Riley, that hurt!''

''What was that for?''

''Riley!'' they all say.

''Well, you pushed me off my bed so I punch you guys.'' I shrug. Then I smile at them.

''You're nuts.'' Zayn tells me, returning my smile.

''That I am. I've got a screw loose.'' I make a face, sticking out my tongue and moving my eyes, making me look demented.

The boys laugh and Liam says, ''We've got to finish packing.''

''Finish? I haven't even started.'' I mumble.

Niall snorts, trying not to laugh and they leave me to get changed into some clothes.

I put the CD player on and start dancing and singing to a CD I made with all my favourite songs on.

I put a pair of ripper skinny jeans, a top that says 'Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining' and my Vans on. Then I brush my hair and put a Boston Red Sox cap on.

Ohh yeah, I look cool.

I start packing all my clothes away neatly, in my black suitcase. Well, I put the clothes I'll need in the suitcase. The clothes I won't need, like winter clothes and scarves (I have no idea why I bought that stuff, seeing as it's not winter) I put in another suitcase, which will go up in the attic, kinda like in storage.

In the suitcase I'm taking on holiday, I put shorts, vesty tops, t-shirts, a thin jumper, a jacket, my hoodies, my Converse, my other pair of Vans trainers, socks and underwear.

It's hot weather in Greece and Italy, so I won't need a lot of long sleeved stuff.

Then I put in some CDs, DVDs, books and things I'll need if I ever get bored.

The other stuff, I pack away in boxes, ready to go up to the attic.

An hour or two later, when I finish, my room looks pretty bare.

''Riley, you missed breakfast, what have you been -'' Zayn comes into my room. ''Oh. You've been packing everything away.''

''And I missed breakfast? Damn it.'' I groan.

''I can easily make you some pancakes?'' he offers.

''Uh... Okay then. Thanks.''

''Bring your suitcase down ready for when we leave,'' he tells me. ''Oh! And there are some people working on our old house. It should be ready for us when we get back from our little holiday.''

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