Chapter 10

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Hello there!!

Lets just get to the story lol


Anthony's POV

I pulled the car into the lot and screeched to a halt in a spot right towards the front of the hospital. I could feel my heart racing, and my breath came out ragged and short.

I opened my door swiftly turning off the car in the same swift motion, and slammed it behind me as soon as I got out. I could hear Conner walking behind me, keeping his distance because he could see how much this hurt me.

The sun bore down on my skin, causing little beads of sweat to form on my forehead and just above my lip. The sun cast long shadows along the streets, shadows that looked scary and creepy. I never did like hospitals, they always gave me the creeps.

Just thinking about how many people died in this hospital made my skin crawl. An involuntary shiver went through my body, even though it was a fairly warm day.

We got to the automatic door and it slid open lazily for us. It seemed like it took just a century for it to open. I tapped my side with my hand, nervously. I could feel Conner's eyes burning holes into the back of my neck, but I didn't acknowledge him.

I was in the mindset of tragedy. Many different scenarios ran through my head of what happened to Andrew. He needed me and what was I doing? I was with Conner! My husband, the man that I promised to love and cherish no matter what, was laying in a hospital bed from god knows what, and I was living it up with some other guy.

I could feel anger rising in me at Conner, the boy that stole me away from my husband. But I wasn't only mad at him, I was mad at myself as well, for letting such a stupid thing happen. What was I thinking?

I had the man of my dreams in my grasp, heck I even married him. But here I was, going behind his back, hanging out with another guy, for what? Because of his good looks?

I mentally punched myself, and kicked myself. I think I just might jump myself, mentally of course because I would look pretty strange if I just randomly started beating myself up.

We walked up to the nurse's station where an elderly woman sat, staring at papers. You could see how tired she was, the bags hung around her eyes, and her shoulders were slumped.

I cleared my throat and she looked up, "Andrew Medina." I said in a weak voice.

She looked towards her computer screen, and pulled up a list.

"Room 103," She said, not looking away from the screen.

"Thanks." I said, walking away from the desk and down the hall.

All the numbers that started with one are on the first floor. The first floor deals with patients who just got out of surgery and are in recovery. So that should be a good sign, right? At least he isn't on the third floor where the people who are about to die go.

When I got to the door that read the number '103,' I froze. I stared at the number. This is the room where Andrew is. On the other side of this door, Andrew will be in the bed. When I go in, his eyes will meet mine with love and joy, but when he sees a nice looking guy behind me, I would be able to see the hatred boiling inside him.

He will know what is happening instantly. 

I pulled in a sharp breath and let it out slowly, trying to push away all of the nerves. Maybe I will have enough time to explain.

Dreams of Deception (BoyxBoy) [Book II]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن