Chapter 14

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another update.. yall bitches is crazy with your update threats haha


"Oh what a pleasant surprise it's my friend Anthony!" Donovan exclaimed.

"Cut the crap Donovan, I'm here strictly on business." I walked into his house and he shut the door behind me.

"Nice place, to bad you have rats?"

"I don't have rats." He said annoyed.

"Hm. That smell must be you then." I replied nonchalantly.

Donovan started going on and on about something that was bugging him, as I sat in the seat he offered me with my fists clenched. It seemed like every little word that came out of his perfect manicured mouth just made me even angrier. 

I hated people like him. People that thought they were so perfect and they looked down on the rest of us like we were animals. Those type of people believed people like me didn't belong in their world. 

I hate everything about Donovan. I knew it from the first time I saw him. There was just something there. You know that feeling you get when you feel someone staring at you, but you don't look to see who it is.

It's the same feeling you get when you are trying to remember a word and it just won't come to you. It's there, you know it's there because you have said it once before. But for some odd reason you can't recall the word.

That's the feeling I got when I saw him. Like everything about him just could not be trusted.

I could see it not too. The way he sat on the edge of his chair, like at any moment he was going to over take me and kill me or something of that sort. I could feel his eyes up and down my body as well. Scrutinizing me. I didn't let him get to me though. I wouldn't let him get past my defenses.

"Why him?" I said interrupting him in the middle of his sentence. I forgot what he was talking about in the first place. Quite frankly I didn't even care. I was here for one reason, and one reason only.

Scratch that, I was hear for two reasons, to (1) possibly punch him in the face for trying to steal my husband and (2) to ask him to apologize. Whichever one came first was up to him.

If he was willing to cooperate I wouldn't punch him in the face, that's if he is willing.

"You're going to have to elaborate Anthony, I don't know what you're talking about."

I could see it in his eyes, he knew how much pain it was causing me to come and have to ask him this.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about Donovan!" I said behind clenched teeth.

"When I want something I get it. It's as simple as that." He purred, like a mountain lion waiting for him prey to come into view so that he could pounce and sink his teeth into it's neck.

The reason why I compare him to a lion is because that's exactly what they do. They sit back and stalk their prey. Watching the poor animal as it lives it's last seconds of life. Breaths it's last breaths of air.

They watch it, and watch it, and watch it. It's sort of like a game to them. They laugh at how stupid the prey is. It should of never came out that day. Then at the last moment, when the prey feels the eyes of the beast on him, the lion pounces and goes in for the kill.

I looked Donovan dead in the eyes.

"Did you enjoy it?" I don't know why I was asking him this, but I did.

Dreams of Deception (BoyxBoy) [Book II]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz