Chapter 18

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You know, I am just too damn generous haha.


"Okay class, let's all settle down." I said, smiling at them.

"We are just so excited that you are back." Scarlet said.

"It's good to be back, if I knew that you all loved me this much I would have come back much sooner."

They all laughed.

"Okay, now if you haven't noticed there are many different paintings on the wall."

They looked up then, and looked around the room.

"Who did those?" A boy in the back asked.

"I did." I said, staring at the paintings as well.

I could see the amazement on their face.

"What most people don't realize is that an artist uses their emotions as weapons. We create art by what we are feeling. I was in a state of anger and remorse when I did this. You can tell by all of the quick brush strokes and the use of a lot of red's and dark blue's."

"Why were you so sad and angry?" Another student asked.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that you can't let your emotions get the best of you. You have to use them for something good. Think of it as a constructive outlet. Today's lesson is to pick a name of an artist from this hat here and I want you to research this artist and try to explain what emotions they used in their art."

They all got up from their chairs and walked towards the hat that I was holding in my hand.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, "Scarlet, can you take these please, I need to answer this." I handed her the hat and showed her my phone.

She nodded and took the hat.

I walked outside so that I could answer my phone.

"Immy?" I paused to what for an answer. "What's wrong? Are you crying?"


My whole body froze. That name was the only name that made me want to drop my whole life just for him. He needs me and I promised I would always be there for him.

"I will be right there."

Immy's POV

"You know, a lot has happened since you have been gone. Everything just feels like it's falling apart. No one is the same without you. But here you are, laying on your bed as smug as ever. I hate you for leaving us. I hate that for one second you could think that we are okay without you. When I first met you, I had my doubts about you. He kept telling me how great you were and how happy you made him. I waited though, I waited for you to prove yourself."


"Why don't you like him Immy?"


"You know who I am talking about. He is a great guy, and I just so happen to like him."

There was a short pause as I decided on what I was going to say next.

"Why do you always fall in love with the wrong person? You told me the story of your past boyfriends and I wonder why you always seem to fall for the wrong guy. They aren't all wrong you know."

"I know that. I guess it's just there is something about them. Sometimes I think that maybe I can-"

"Change them?" I interrupted. "Because if that was what you were about to say, you are wrong." I saw his face fell and the moment I saw that I wanted to take it all back; but then who would protect him from harm? "Do you remember the night when we first met?"

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