03. Something Sweet

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The smell of cinnamon filled my senses as I walked in to the Sweetie Pies bakery. It made my mouth start to water. The hunger from missing lunch today was finally catching up to me. I had a sudden craving for pie and Mrs. Munro made the best in Berwick. The small bakery had a few other customers inside sitting at the tables and booths. The afternoon sun added a golden glow to the place, making it feel warm and cozy. The delicious aroma coming from the back made everything just that much better.

I was expecting to see Mrs. Munro herself manning the counter, like she usual does, but I was shocked to see it was Calvin. Instead of his usual hoodie he wore a long sleeved dark blue shirt that matched the apron dawning the Sweetie Pies logo on the front. He also looked a lot friendlier; approachable even. I suppose that's a good thing since he had to deal with customers. Calvin handed a male customer and small, plastic container holding a slice a cake and my stomach rumbled to remind me of my hunger.

"I didn't know you worked here." I say, walking over to the counter.

"You're talking to me now?" He questioned.

I frowned as I remembered how rude I was to him today at lunch. He was only being nice, picking the food from my hair and I yelled at him because I was upset. My emotions have been bringing out the worst in me lately. They make my act impulsively. Doing things I wouldn't normally do. It was starting to become a real problem that I needed to get an handle on before I did something I couldn't come back from. An off switch for emotions would be nice.

"Were you planning on ordering something?" 

I examined his features, but it was unclear if he was angry with me or not. 

"I didn't mean to snap at you like that today. I tend to do really stupid things when I get emotional," I admitted, earning an understanding nod from him. "Let me buy you some pie to make it up to you."

"I'm kind of working." He points out.

Mrs. Munro emerged from the back room towing four pink boxes. She was pretty short, the boxes were stacked almost taller than her head. Her dark, graying hair tied up into a neat bun barely cleared the top of the boxes. Once she sat them down on the counter I could finally see her cheerful, smiling face.

"Kelly, your doughnuts are ready." She gave a friendly smile to the brunette girl who claimed them. The tiny woman then turns to Calvin. "Cal, have some pie with the girl your shifts almost over anyway." She says as she ushered him around the counter.

He opened his mouth to protest, but promptly closed it as she narrowed her beady, hazel eyes at him. She smiled, pleased with herself as Calvin removed his apron and handed it over to her. Mrs. Munro then turned her attention to me, her pen and notepad ready to take down our orders.

"What kind if pie would you like, sweetie?"

Not even bothering to look up at the menu that hung above her head, I ordered a slice of chocolate chiffon pie. Mrs. Munro playfully rolled her eyes at me. I ordered the same thing whenever I came in, despite all her nagging that I try a different one of her treats. I like my chocolate chiffon pie though. I knew exactly what it tasted like and I knew that the chocolate would melt in my mouth making me momentarily forget anything that was bugging me at the moment. Why would I want to try another type of pie and possibly be disappointed that it didn't live up to my expectations?

"One of these days, Mia." She warns, wagging her pen at me before jotting down my order. Calvin told her to surprise him, which made Mrs. Munro grin, happy to have such an adventurous employee. "You two are perfect couple, like salty and sweet."

The woman disappeared into the back room, her comment making it difficult for me to look Calvin in the eye. It was a weird thing for her to say. The two of us settled down at one of the empty tables and I wondered if anyone else thought we were dating. We have been spending time together, but I never thought it was enough for people to think we were an item. Was it's too difficult to see a boy and girl together and not assume they were together romantically?

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