04. In The Dark

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Friday rolled around and I was doing my after school ritual which consisted of me sitting on the sofa splitting my attention between TV and social media. As I scrolled through my feed reading all of the hype surrounding tonight's party I started to think of the pros and cons of going. The pros included not feeling like a social outcast, even if it was only for one night. The cons consisted of just one thing: It's Derek Conway's party. That meant the girls would be there.

There were two scenarios that could take place. Either they ignore my presence or they make a big show about kicking me out. The ladder made me think of what happened in the cafeteria one first day of school. I don't think I could go through another round of humiliation like that.

My internal debate was cut short by the ringing of the doorbell. Pushing myself up from the couch I went to opened it.

"Hi Calvin." I greeted with a smile, stepping aside to let him in.

Ever since that night at Sweetie Pies I've been seeing a lot more of him outside of school. He'd come over before work, sometimes after, and we would do our homework together or talk some more about movies and random things that popped into our heads.

His personality has changed a bit since we first met. It used to be difficult to hold a conversation with him. Now, depending on the subject, he would talk and talk. Not that I minded. I was always interested in what he had to say. Even if I didn't agree with some of the things he said. It was still nice to just talk to someone.

"Is that what you're wearing to party?" He motioned to my mixed matched pajamas that I slipped into the moment I got home from school. An Eeyore shirt and Grumpy the Care Bear shorts. Two of my favorite cartoon characters despite my cheery personality.

"This is what I'm wearing to bed." I corrected him, plopping back onto the couch and picking up my phone. "If you're here to talk me into going then you're wasting your time."

I could feel him hovering over my shoulder as I scrolled through my feed on Instagram. Everyone was posting pictures of their party outfits and I was feeling a small sliver of jealous as I looked at group pictures of girls and remembered how it felt to get ready with Faye, Ellen and Jasmine.

"Is this what you're going to do all night?" He quipped. "I thought I was supposed to be the antisocial loner in this relationship."

His words shook my whole world. He was right. Somehow we switched roles and that scared me. I wasn't the type of girl who stayed at home on Friday nights. I went out and socialized, something I haven't done in a long time.

"I have to get ready!" I announced, hopping up from the sofa.

"Vincent will be here in about two hours." He informed me before leaving out the front door.

After a quick shower I put on black, sleeveless blouse and a pair of dark red skinny jeans. It was simple and not too flashy. I could easily hide in a dark corner if I needed to. Satisfied with my hair and make-up, I grab my phone and my purse and head over to Calvin's.

When he opened up the door I felt my face scrunch up at the sight of what he was munching on. "Who eats string cheese?"

"Lots of people," He replied as he let me in and closed the door. Then he added, "it's always sold out at the grocery store."

"Well, it's disgusting." I grimaced, turning to face him. That when I noticed he looked a little more put together than usual. His black jeans and shoes looked new. Of course he just had to wear his tired, old hoodie. There was one problem with his outfit though.

"You have to change your shirt." I stated.

His eyebrow raised in question. "Why?"

Stepping over to him I stuck my finger through the hole in his shirt. "It looks like Swiss cheese."

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