25. Homecoming Pt. 1

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"Ow!" I winced, rubbing my ear.

Calvin would be here to pick me up for the dance in about an hour and I didn't want to smell like burnt flesh or burnt hair. That seemed inevitable though with Alyssa as my hair dresser. She was distracted by her phone and judging from the lip biting and reddened cheeks it had to be Nicole, her mysterious new girlfriend.

"Sorry," she said, giving me an apologetic look through the mirror.

Glaring at her, I hold my hand out and she reluctantly drops her cellphone in my palm. "You really shouldn't sext and curl."

She gasped, continuing to curl my hair. "I was not sexting! But it was getting there," she admitted with wink.

"T.M.I." I groaned, setting the phone aside. "Anyways, I still think you should come to the dance. You can bring your Nicole you know?"

"Yes, I know," she replied, setting the curlers down and grabbing some bobby pins from the vanity. "The relationship is still new and I don't want to share it with the world just yet."

It was silent as she styled my hair in a way so that the curls would fall on one side. From the amount of bobby pins she used I knew I'd be pulling them out for a week.

"Done," she said, stepping back to admire her handiwork. "If Calvin doesn't have the overwhelming need to kiss you tonight, then there is something deeply wrong with the boy."

"Thanks," I said, turning to her. "You sure you don't want to come to the dance?"

"Hmm," she hummed, raising her hands out like the were scales. "Listen to bad pop music and drink gross punch or make out with Nicole?"

The 'scale' rose in Nicole's favor and I let out a defeated sigh. "Fine, go make out with your girlfriend."

"Oh, I will," she smirked. "Have fun at the dance and don't drink too much of the punch because we all know it'll be spiked."

She left the and I continued to get ready for tonight. Both of my dress options were laid out on my bed. The off-the-shoulder animal print body con dress that Faye had picked out and the strapless yellow dress I had picked out with Keisha. The choice between which one I would wear tonight was a no-brainer, but I couldn't help noticing how contrasting they were. Both represented a different chapter in my life. Past and present.

The past was great, but I tried so hard to try and relive it that I almost missed out on what was right in front of me. Now when I looked back with all the new insight I've gained, I realize that things changed for the better.

By the time I had gotten dressed and done my make up Calvin was ringing the doorbell.

Grabbing my silver clutch that matched my silver heels, I went to open the door.

"Wow," I muttered taking him in.

I was expecting his usual semi-formal attire, but to my surprise he went full on formal. He went with the classic style of a white dress shirt paired with black pants, black blazer and a black tie.

I never fully understood the appeal of a man in a suit until now.

"Wow yourself," he smiled, making my heart flutter.

He held out his hand and I happily took it in mine.

We choose to walk to school rather than drive to avoid the hassle of finding a parking space. Honestly, I preferred this to the alternative. There was something very romantic about walking under the evening sky, hand in hand with him.

"Before we get there I have to warn you that I really like to dance," I tell him, remembering his face when brought up dancing the day he asked me. "And I refuse to dance alone."

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