16. Say Something

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"Shouldn't you be getting to school?" Mom asked from the entry way of the dining room. 

She was getting ready to leave for work, her purse and car keys in hand.

"You're going to be late."

"Mom, it's a ten minute walk." I said as I tried to quickly finish my math homework. I hate math and I especially hate that it's first class of the day.

"Well, aren't you walking with Calvin?"

"Nope." I was stilled pissed at him or at least trying to be.

"Then why is he sitting on the porch?"

My head jerked up. "What?"

Grabbing my school bag, I followed Mom out of the house. The sky was a dark grey color and smelled like rain, but that's not what I focused on. Calvin was , in fact, on the porch. He stood, greeting my mom as she walked past him to her car. When she finally left, I turned to Calvin.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded, folding my arms over my chest.

"Apologizing," he stated. "I know you don't need my unsolicited advice."

"No, I don't." I agreed. "Especially not on matters you know nothing about."

"I get that and I'm sorry," he admitted. "It's just that you and I are friends and I don't like it when people mistreat my friends."

He was genuinely concerned about me and I couldn't be mad at him for that. Honestly, my giving in was inevitable. I had to stop myself from texting him last night while watching Nightmare On Elm Street. He had an endless supply of behind the scenes movie trivia. I always enjoyed listening to him rambling off facts, but something told me that I wouldn't be as fascinated if it were anyone else.

"So, do you accept my apology?" He asked, looking hopeful.

"I don't know," I drawled. "Maybe a piggy-back ride would sway my decision."

His eyebrows arched in question. "Are you serious?"


"Fine," he laughed, turning his back towards me.

I hopped onto his back and he latched his arms behind my knees for support. He started walking in the direction of the school as I enjoyed the ride. This was definitely the closest I've been to Calvin and I noticed that he smelled fresh, like lemons.

"You're going to the homecoming dance right?" He asked, pulling me away from thoughts about his citrus-y scent.

"Of course," I exclaimed. "I never miss a school event. I bleed blue and black."

I felt him vibrate under me as he laughed at my school spirit.

"Are you going?"

"Yeah," he replied. "Vince wouldn't take no for answer."

"You and Vince are an odd couple, but I ship it," I teased.

"Watch it," he warned. "I will drop you."

I tightened my hold on him. "Do it and I'm taking you down with me."

A few moments later we rounded the corner, the school coming into view and I asked to be let down. Crossing the street to get to the school wasn't too safe while distracted. There was nothing more dangerous than school traffic. It was like the pedestrians come first law didn't apply.

Calvin and I were going to be stuck on this side of the street for a bit and I took this time to be a little noisy.

"Are you going to the dance with anyone?" I questioned. "I mean, besides Vincent, of course."

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