24. Fantasy Land

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"Where did you get this?" I asked, looking re-watching the video that played on Alyssa's phone screen.

"It was all over the news last night," she informed me as she took her phone back. "He's some jerk who goes around slashing the tires of cars that reminded him of his ex."

For the third time I watched the guy in a grey hoodie discreetly cut the tires on my mom's car. Each time I watched just pissed me off even more. Mostly I was mad about the fact that they were telling the truth. They had nothing to with slashing the tires.

"I should apologize to them," I said, standing up from the lunch table.

"Apologizing might be the right thing to do," she admitted, standing as well while texting on her phone. "But after everything they've done, do you really have to?"

"Yes, maybe showing them a little kindness will make them ease up on me," I explained as we walked out of the cafeteria. "Where would they even be right now?"

Alyssa gripped onto my wrist, dragging me down the hall. "I think we should try Mr. Webb's first."

"First off, you're going to rip my arm off," I winced, breaking free from her grip while still maintaining the fast pace she's walking in. "Second, why would they be there? Neither of them take art."

She shushed me once we made it to Mr. Webb's door. She peeked in through the Plexiglas window, her eyes growing wide.

"What are you looking at?"

I got my answer when I looked, through the window. Calvin was in there, finishing up his project just like he told me he'd be doing during lunch. What I didn't expect to see was Faye perched on top of the desk next to him.

She wore a flirty smile on her face and she kept touching him. It was obvious what she was doing, well, trying to do. Her efforts were laughable to say the least.

"This is why you dragged me here?" I snorted. "They only thing happening in there is Faye reaching a whole new level of pettiness."

Her brow creased as she thought about this. "You're not worried?"

"No," I replied confidentiality. "He has made it perfectly clear that he really doesn't like Faye. Even if I didn't know that, I'd still trust him."

"Wow, look at you being the bigger person," she laughed.

Taking another glance through the window, I see that Faye had inched her way closer to him. It took a lot of will power to keep from going in there. Calvin had my complete trust, but that didn't mean I wanted her sniffing around him. I watched as he heaved a sigh, pulling out his phone.

A few seconds later my phone dinged and I pulled it from my pocket to read the text.

Calvin: Help

Ducking away from the window I say, "I think he knows were spying." My phone dinged once again and I looked down at it.

Calvin: I know ur there

"Yeah, he definitely knows we're spying."

"Well, go in there and I be out here waiting, just in case Faye gets crazy and tries to fight," She said, pulling her braids up into a pony tail. "Because we both know that you can't fight."

Shaking my head at her antics, I pulled the door opened and walked in. Relief filled Calvin's face as he stood up, greeting me with a hug.

"Thank you," he whispered in my ear before pulling away.

It was funny how he was afraid of Faye, out of all people.

"Hey, Mia," Faye flashed a fake smile as she stood up from the table. "Here to accuse me of something else I didn't do? Like global warming?"

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