17. About Last Night

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I woke up with a throbbing headache and a fuzzy memory of last night's events. Light from the morning sun only made matters worse. The only thing that was clear was the fact that I wasn't in my bed.

Sitting up, I took one quick look around the bare room and realized exactly where I was. My suspicions were confirmed when I noticed the pile of covers on the floor was actually a sleeping Calvin.

There was also a bottle of water and a bottle of aspirin on the floor next to me. I popped one of the pills into my mouth and chugged some of the water to wash it down. Grabbing my purse, which was also right next to the mattress, I take out my phone.

I mumbled a string of curses when I see all of my missed texts. There were ten missed texts from Mom and Dad and I knew I was in trouble.

Calvin stirred in his sleep and I froze, watching him. He didn't wake up though. I was about to get up and leave, but something caught my eye. Calvin's long sleeved shirt was bunched up at the sleeves, revealing four large scars.

Is that why he always wore that stupid sweater? Inching closer, I examined the keloid scars on his fore arm. A million questions flooded my thoughts as I wondered about the origin of the scars. Did he hurt himself or did some do this to him? My fingers traced the raised skin there. Was this the reason he was so secretive about his past?

He tensed up, fist clenching and I looked over at him. He was awake now, his tired brown eyes staring down at his scarred arm before meeting mines. For a moment we just stared into each others eyes. He didn't say anything though. Maybe he was waiting for me to say something?

Despite wanting to know the story behind the markings, I didn't ask where they came from. He tried so hard to hide them, it's obviously not something he wants to talk about. Plus, it was way too early and a topic like this shouldn't be discussed before noon.

He tore his gaze away from me, relaxing his arm and staring up at the ceiling, "For a second I thought you were going to try and steal my eyeballs again."

"That really happened?" The back of my neck began burn as last night became clearer. "That means... I threw up on you, too?"

He chuckled lightly and I hid my face in my hands. I'm never drinking again. The headache and embarrassing memories were not worth it.

"Drunk Mia is very entertaining," he teased.

I stood up from the floor, only then realizing that my dress had been replaced with flannel pajama pants and a t-shirt with a dog on the front. My brow raised in question.

"Did you change my clothes?"

He propped himself up on his elbows, an amused look on his face. "I wasn't letting you in my bed covered in puke."

A wave a nausea came over me. Whether it because of the embarrassment of last night or the fact Calvin saw me in my underwear, I didn't know.

"If it makes you feel better, I had the light off," he informed me. "So, I didn't see anything."

That did make me feel a little better, but the feeling didn't last very long when my phone began to ring. Picking it up from the mattress I have a mini heart attack when I see Dad's picture flash on the screen.

"I'm so dead," I groaned.

Calvin was up from his palette on the floor, folding up the various sheets and covers. "It was nice knowing you," he joked.

I collected my purse, dress and heels and exited Calvin's house. If I saw myself walking in this state I'd think I was doing the walk of shame. Actually, I guess I was doing just that. 

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