19. The Truth

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My fingers were cramped from the amount of dish I washed and it was only day one. The chore did give me time to go over how I wanted to approach the Derek situation with Faye. I needed talk to her soon, rip the Band-Aid. Also, I knew Derek would be ten times more annoying if I waited.

After begging reminding Mom that I had homework to do she relieved me of my duties a I happily handed my glove and scrub brush to the bus boy. He gave me a weird look which was understandable because, unlike me, he got to use the dishwasher.

"I'll be home around ten," she reminded me and I nodded. That gave me some time to sneak over to Faye's and talk to her.

"Are you really going to make me do this every night?" I questioned as I grabbed my purse.

"Yes," she retorted. "You stayed out all night and then came home smelling like an ashtray and tequila. You're lucky I only gave you week."

She made a good point and I didn't want to push it.

"What are the chances that you'll have some chocolate cake left over?" I asked, eyeing the piece currently being drizzled with more chocolate by one of the staff.

"I'll see what I can do," she promised.

"Okay." I went to hug her, take both myself and her by surprise. It was just a weird impulse I had. The last time we hugged was - well, I can't even remember.

She hugged back, squeezing tight before pulling away. "I'll see you at home."

Giving her a smile I leave out if the back entrance and prepare for my talk with Faye.

+ + +

"Hey," Faye smiled wide as she let me in. "I thought you were grounded?"

"I am," I explained as I followed her through the maze like house into the TV room. "I just needed to talk to you."

She sat down on the couch, tucking her beneath her and I sat down as well.

"About what?"

On the bus ride over her I had created over fifteen version of what I was going to say. Each of them seemed to vanish from my memories.

"Uhm, well..." I was stalling. Band-Aid, Mia. Just rip it off. "It's about Derek."

She looked as if all the wind had just been knocked out of her. It was too late to pull back now, despite how much I wanted to.

"We've been talking and -"

"I knew it," she mumbled, her voice almost a whisper.

Of course she knew. Her, Jasmine and Ellen pretty much had the whole town wired. Faye hopped up from the sofa, fuming and looking more angry and hurt than that night at the party.

"How could you go behind my back like that?" She said through gritted teeth, her eyes becoming glossy with tears. "I gave you a second chance and you're screwing my ex?"

"No, I wouldn't do that."

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You really think I'm that stupid, Mia?" She barked. "I knew you were talking to him this whole time. I just wanted to know how long it would take for you to confess."

Standing from the couch, I tried to explain. "Yes, Derek and I have been talking and I should've said something sooner, but we were never dating."

"Then why did he break up with me right after talking to you?" She demanded, wiping tears from her face with the back of her hand.

It gutted me to see her this way and I doubted that telling her the truth would make her feel any better. How was I supposed to tell her that the love of her little life called her crazy and possive? No girl wanted to hear that.

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