23. Imaginary Boyfriend

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"I really appreciate you helping me with this," Derek said for what seemed like the hundredth time as he picked up one of the small grocery baskets.

"It's really not that big a deal," I said, waving him off as I tried to locate the baking aisle.

"I would have asked my mom or sister to help," he continued. "But I don't want to be responsible for the school's alumni chipping their teeth."

"Yeah, that'd be bad," I laughed, looking up to read the signs of each aisle. I've been to this grocery store a million times and I still had no idea where anything was.

"But not just for this, you know," he went on and I finally spotted the sign that said baking a few aisles down. "You tried to help me out with Faye, even though that kind of blew up."

That night was pretty intense, but I was better for it. Even though Faye and I weren't on the best of terms I still wanted her to be happy. She was happy with Derek and I wanted to see them back together.

"Maybe you'd have better luck if you talked to her," I suggested.

"I tried that."


"Well, you're doing my baking this year."

Flashing him a sympathetic smile, I then turned down the baking aisle. I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw three familiar faces. Derek, not realizing my sudden halt, bumped into me. Which caused me to bump into a sprinkles display, knocking a few down and catching the attention of the girls.

"Well, look at Berwick's golden couple," Faye said with mock enthusiasm, a fake smile plastered on her face.

"We're not dating," Derek defended. Personally, I had given up om trying to get that through to them. I did have something to say to them though.

"It was really messed up of you to drag my mom into our little feud," I said as calmly as I could manage to.

Faye's brow knitted together as she shifted her weight. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb," I shot back. "I know that you three are responsible for slashing my mom's tires."

"Wow," Jasmine scoffed. "You have a seriously overactive imagination. First that story about Calvin and now this?"

"Who the hell is Calvin?" Ellen asked, looking to the other girls for answers.

"Her imaginary boyfriend," Jasmine chimed in and my eyes rolled.

I give up.

Taking the basket from Derek, I began grabbing everything I needed to make the cupcakes. There was no way that I was going to have this conversation again. It was like talking to a wall with those three.

Derek proceeded to argue that Calvin was in fact a real person. I only half listened while trying to choose between the various premade cake mixtures. Judging from the limited selection we must not have been the only ones stopping by for baking supplies.

There was a collective "oh" after he mentioned Calvin worked at Sweetie Pies. Apparently, it is possible to get through to them. Maybe now they'll leave me be. And as if the universe decided to finally let this drama die, the three of them walked away without another word.

Derek sighed heavily as he ran a hand through his hair. Letting out a light laugh he said, "You must think I'm insane for wanting her back."

"No," I replied honestly. "Faye's a good person, she's just acting out because she's hurting. You should try talking to her again."

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