Part 1

12.5K 310 35

Fuck I'm finding it so hard to breathe as I continue to run on the treadmill, I'm not made for this shit but I've had one too many people tell me I need to lose weight, so here I am on an early Monday morning sweating my guts off trying to lose weight. I wish I didn't care, I wish I could be happy with myself without relying on someone else's validation...

I had 1k left when my phone started ringing, I quickly declined it without looking at caller ID because I was so close to finishing, without pausing I continued to run but my phone rang again, muttering an expletive I stopped the treadmill and answered my phone, bending forward to catch my breath while I was at it.


"Nikki? What the fuck couldn't you wait like 5 minutes I would have rang you back." I grumbled.

"Well hello to you to you grumpy pants."

I sigh, "Hello Nikki, what can I do for you?"

"So... I need you to come to Bendigo... like now..."

"What the fuck why? The christening isn't until this weekend, can't it wait until then?"

"No, baby cousin please come I know you don't work today or tomorrow I need you here."

I huff out a sigh, "Okay, okay fine I'll be there by lunch time and I'll stay overnight."

Nikki squeals, "Okay I'll see you soon."

"Okay bye."

"Bye baby cousin."

I hang up with a sigh and check my phone for the time. I had half an hour to pack, shower and leave. I quickly gathered up all my gym gear and made my way home.

The closer I got to my uncle's house the more apprehensive I got. I love my Uncle and I don't care that he is the President of a mostly illegal bikie club or whatever they're called, the guys treated me like one of their own and treated me with respect which is more than what I get from "normal" guys my age. My uncle had been the president of the Flying Aces for as long as I could remember so the life style and the guys weren't what had me so apprehensive it was his fucking Vice President.

I sighed as I pulled up to my uncle's house 2 hours later. I shook the dizziness off as I got out of the car and looked down at my clothes. Form fitting black jeans with a light blue top that was one of the ones that was long, reaching just below my bum with slits on both sides from my belly button height down. Covered everything it needed to and was loose enough that I didn't feel self-conscious in my clothes. I shoved my phone in my pocket and once I had locked my car I shoved my car keys into my other bum pocket.

I noticed 7 bikes out the front and realised they must be holding church, why the fuck did Nikki want me here now?

I reach the front and knock.

"You better not be fuckin' knockin' on my front door blacky!" Shouted my uncle.

I smiled, "I'm being polite, something you know nothing about!" I shout back as I open the door and make my way inside.

I turn left into the kitchen area and notice Nikki with her hubby Kyle (Rocky), Getro (Stoney), Darren (Riot), Nikki's brother's Clinton (Duck) and Ashley (Nemo), my aunty Janine, Ray and Rob and finally my uncle Fred who goes by Ghost. For the most part I ignore everyone as I'm engulfed in a hug by my aunty.

"Aunty Neen I can't breathe." I choke out.

She backs up just enough so that I can breathe. "Why haven't you come by more often baby? I know you get to Cobram often enough to see your Ma what about your aunty Neen?"

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