Part 8

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"No Blaze, you can come to doctor's appointments and I'll make copies of the ultrasound pictures for you but I am not moving back to the clubhouse." This is the first time Jaydon has answered my calls in 2 weeks and she is still pissed off at me.

"It's safer for you and the baby." I husked out.

"Our baby Blaze and no it isn't if you think booze, cigarettes and whores are a safe environment for me you need your head examined."

I still can't fully comprehend that I was going to be a father at 35 it was well overdue but I was still in a state of shock.

"Baby please at least let me see you..." I whispered out.

"No can do Blaze, you hurt me more than words can express when you assumed I would cheat on you the first chance I got, I would never do that to you, no one deserves that regardless of how they have treated me in the past. Please just let me have some space I will see you next week for my routine check up." With that she hung up on me.


My phone started ringing and I saw Jaydon's name come up.


"No, this is Ash, I dunno how you're going to fix this but you need to she hasn't slept properly since we left, she won't eat and her morning sickness has come back. Fix it any fucking way you can. Now." With that said Ashleigh hangs up the phone.

I immediately shove my feet into my boots, grab my cut and run out of the room.

"You want Johnny's home address? That's where they will be." Prez has a smirk on his face and a piece of paper in his hand.

"Thanks Prez."

"One more fuck up Blaze and I will find a new VP." I just nod at him snatch the piece of paper out of his hand and run to my bike.


I shake my nerves and quickly knock on the door. Johnny answers straight away, he doesn't look surprised more amused than anything.

"Is that big, bad boy Blaze looking flustered?"

"Fuck up Johnny let me see her..."

Johnny smirks but doesn't move from the doorway, "Well with that attitude-"

"Babe, let him in." I hear Snake's voice sound from further inside the house. Johnny huffs but moves out of the doorframe, allowing me to pass.

As I make my way into a lounge room, I nod towards Snake and follow his finger pointing down the hallway to my right. "Last door on the right..." Snake yells after me.

I don't break stride as I open the door and shut it behind me, I turn around to face the bed and the sight that greats me breaks my heart. Jaydon looks sick and has lost weight, she has dark circles under her eyes and is extremely pale. I quietly take off my cut, boots, socks and jeans I climb into bed and gather her into my chest, she seems to relax further into my chest and grabs a fistful of my shirt as I lay myself out on my back and bring her as close as her 6 month belly will let me. I put one arm behind my head and the other goes to her belly.

It's weird, her belly is firm and I can feel when the baby shifts, it's a surreal feeling having my baby just under my hand and Jaydon in my arms after so long. I don't know what I was thinking but I need her to forgive me.


For the first time in weeks I felt well rested after I've slept. I snuggled further into the warmth under my cheek only to quickly realise that the surface was firm and was breathing. I knew immediately from his scent that it was Blaze.

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