Part 7

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"Ashleigh I need you to hurry up I need food and junior is pushing on my fucking bladder." I growl out as she enters yet another sports shop.

"Hold your horses you hormonal woman I'm trying to find that fucking jersey my sister wants for her birthday." Ashleigh and I have known each other since high school and been best friends ever since, she was the first person I told when I found out I was pregnant and also the only one that didn't completely freak out at the news. It had been a shock to everyone and myself included when I found out 3 months ago that I was 2 months pregnant.

I hadn't really shown and due to the pickup in my golfing career I had assumed that I was stressed and that's why I hadn't had my period for 2 months. Blaze's immediate reaction had landed him a shot in his leg and a banishment from coming anywhere near me until I calmed down enough not to shoot him.

Fucking asshole didn't think that it was his because we had only had sex the one time and he had used a condom and then I was travelling non-stop for the next 2 months, taking Ashleigh with me as my caddy.

"Fucking hell Ash I'm fucking hungry."

"Excuse me miss there are other people present if you wouldn't mind controlling your language it would be much appreciated."

I turn to see a stuck up woman in front of me and no children present so didn't even try calming down my anger or my hormonal reaction.

"Look bitch I'm 5 fucking months pregnant and this asshole I call my best friend has had me walking all fucking day around this shopping centre looking for a fucking basketball jersey or singlet or whatever how about you mind your own business and fuck off out of mine." I snap.

She gasps in outrage but stalks off.

"Good chat I'll catch you around some other time!" I shout after her.

"I didn't think it was possible but I think you have actually become more of a bitch since you got pregnant." Ashleigh chuckles as she holds up the desired shirt and walks; slowly might I add, over to the counter.

"Probably..." I huff as I notice one of the initiates signalling me over to talk on his mobile. I roll my eyes but walk over and hold out my hand for the phone.


"Baby why the fuck aren't you answering your phone?" Blaze's sexy growl over the phone goes straight to my core but I'm mad at him.

"Maybe because I've already had my fill of assholes for the day-"

"Baby, you know better than to talk to me like that in public."

"I'll talk to an asshole anyway I fucking want to." I snap. I haven't seen the bastard in 10 days and this is how he wants to start it I'm hormonal and hungry I don't give a fuck what his brothers think of him at the moment.

"Put Sticks back on the fucking phone!" I glare harder but hand Sticks the phone and motion Ashleigh over so that we can make our way to a toilet before I wet myself.

After I've done my business and walk out of the toilets I have a member on each side of me and the same goes for Ashleigh, she stares at me wide eyed but I just shrug, I had managed to keep Ashleigh away from the clubhouse and as a result she had never dealt with a lockdown before. I didn't want her to be stuck as an old lady. It was a shit gig if you ended up with a biker that didn't know how to properly treat a woman, and most of the time this is what I got with Blaze, even after everything we had put each other through he still made sure the club came first. He was future president material, not so much boyfriend material.

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