Part 6

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"How'd you go Blacky?" we had finally made it back to the clubhouse with no other dramas.

"Finished tied 22nd." I couldn't stop the proud smile I had on my face as my uncle gave me a hug in congratulations.

"Well done Blacky now have you two kissed and made up?"

"We are friends why?"

"Club is still kind of in lock down and I know you have to head back to Melbourne so Blaze will be accompanying you everywhere until this shit is sorted out."

"Will Blaze be the only surveillance?"

"Yup..." My uncle doesn't even bother hiding his smirk.

"Oh..." I refuse to fall into his game.

"You drive baby and I'll follow in my bike after we make a pit stop passed my place." Blaze grumbled.

I just nod in reply.

"Jaydon, why is there a large ass biker on our couch?"

I look up from my position on my bed to see Sione had finished work, "Clubhouse on lockdown."

Sione scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "That's never had anything to do with us before..."

I sigh, "I know but the idiot downstairs publically claimed me at some point and now I need to be protected."

Sione snorts, "That's bullshit and you know it."

I shrug, "I know, I think Fred is just trying to play matchmaker."

Sione chuckles slightly, "How's that working out?"

"He's on the couch so I'm going to assume not particularly well..." I give him a cheeky grin.

Sione full on laughs, "You have a day off tomorrow yeah?"

"Yup, why what's up?"

"Well it's supposed to be hot, wanna go to the beach? I don't start work until 3."

"Okay wanna go at like 9 and catch lunch on the way home?"

"Yeah sounds awesome."

"Cool... if you're heading back downstairs would you mind telling Blaze please?" As a reply Sione just smirks at me.

"Jaydon wake the fuck up!"

I'm jolted awake from my sleep by my annoying brother, "The fuck? Sione, it's only 8am!"

"Don't care it's hot and I want to swim."

"You're fucking retarded!" I yell out and roll over and snuggle back in under my covers. Instead of pulling my blankets off like he usually does he runs downstairs. At hearing blissful silence I almost drift off back to sleep until I feel a large body climb into bed behind me, feeling the muscled body get comfortable I know it is Blaze instantly and roll over and snuggle myself into his chest. He kissed my forehead and just lies down next to me.

"Oh come on Blaze I told you to force her out of bed not fucking join her!" Sione groans in annoyance. I smile into Blaze's chest but remain where I am.

"Jaydon come on!"

"It's not nice is it?" I mumble out. Whenever we have an early tee time we always end up leaving at the last minute because Sione won't kick his ass into gear.

"Oh fuck up just get out of bed!" Sione huffs.

"Okay fine fuck, I just need to change!" Blaze rolls onto his back and without thinking I straddle him to get out of my bed, the biggest surprise is that he doesn't stop me from getting off him, he just watches me with a pleased smile on his face as I search around for bathers that I haven't worn in years.

I finally find them stuffed in the back of a draw and grab them out to get changed in the bathroom, I put them on without glancing in the mirror and also slip on a pair of board shorts and a long, loose t-shirt.

I come back into my room and notice for the first time the Blaze was already in board shorts and by the looks of things planned to go shirtless, which showed off his muscles and tattoos to perfection.

"Come on lets hurry up or the big baby will chuck a tanti."

"I heard that you slut!"

"You were supposed to asswipe!"

When we got to the beach I was surprised to see how many people were around, it wasn't as full as it will be when lunch time hits but there were still quite a few people around, early morning joggers, the usual group of sluts, the group of brainless boys that followed them and a few families. We set up in a relatively quiet spot and Sione and Blaze without hesitation took off their shirts and sprinted into the water. That caught the attention of quite a few females in the immediate vicinity and I couldn't blame them.

Blaze was hot, he was fit and strong, covered in muscles but not shredded just beefy and mouth watering. He had a bunch of tattoos that spread out evenly over his body but the most prominent would have to be the replica of his cut and year of joining, it was situated in the middle of his shoulder blades and covered half of his back.

His muscles rippled as he shook his hair out and started to slowly walk towards me, I had laid my towel out and was stretched out on it with my head phones in, having no intention of going into the water. As Blaze approached me I leaned up on my elbows and watched him walk up to me without shame.

He knelt down in between my thighs and stretched out so he was lying down, his lower half probably covered in sand now and his upper half leaning on me, I shivered as he pressed his chest against mine mostly because of how cold he was due to his dip in the water and partly because of his proximity.

"What do you think you're doing slick?" I whispered out huskily.

"Well first I was going to give my woman a kiss and then I was going to chuck her out into the water."

I pretend to look around me, "Your woman huh? Where is she? She wouldn't be pleased to see you in this position." I teased.

"I was talking about you, you tease." He replied gruffly before surprising me with a kiss.

As he released my lips I gasped and leaned back dropping my eyes to his chest only for my eyes to widen in shock. I brought my hand up and traced the new tattoo that was placed above where Blaze's heart was. I slowly traced the letters of my name as I heard his quick indrawn breathe. I had seen Blaze shirtless enough times to have memorised his tattoos, this one was a new-ish addition.


"2 months ago..." He whispered back.


He shrugged, "You're it for me and as soon as I came to terms with it I got the tattoo."

A wave of possessiveness swept through me and I loved the fact that he was now branded as mine... however I wasn't going to cave that quickly, "You're an idiot."

"Your idiot..." He gifted me with his signature smirk which made my insides liquefy.

"Maybe..." I whisper out as I give him a little shove so that he moves off me just enough that I can wriggle out from under him and take my large t-shirt off before I give him a smirk over my shoulder and walk out into the water to where my brother is.

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