Part 9

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"Jacob! Wake up my water just broke." I hissed out through another contraction.

"Fuck! Where's your bag? What time is it? Where are my fucking pants?!" It was almost comical how Blaze jumped out of bed in a panic and rushed around in the dark trying to find everything. I giggled as I turned my bedside lamp on.

"How are you fucking laughing our baby's coming?!" This is the first time I've ever seen Blaze in a serious panic, I hissed out as another contraction hit, Blaze hurriedly yanked his jeans on and stuffed his shirt into his waistband and quickly picked me up out of bed bridal style.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." I whimpered out as this contraction seemed to last longer than any of the previous ones.

"Jacob the bag!" I yelped once my contraction had passed.

Midstride while still holding me Blaze bent down and grabbed the bag; quickly making his way out to the car and depositing me into the back seat. He quickly got into the driver's seat and sped away from our little 3 bedroom house.

"For fuck sake Blaze slow down! Ring the hospital to let them know the baby's coming and for god sake we are going to be fine!" I scream out as another contraction hits me.

"Yeah my woman's in labour... I don't fucking know... Dr Snow... she woke me up complaining 10 minutes ago... 10 minutes away... I don't fucking know... we'll be there in 5 minutes!" Blaze throws his phone onto the seat next to him and quickly finds a park outside the hospital.

My contractions are coming quicker so I can't make out anything anyone is saying around me, I feel Blaze pick me up again and quickly deposit me into a wheelchair.

"Where is Dr Snow?! Why isn't she fucking here yet?!" Blaze was scaring the nurses so on his pace back passed my wheel chair I grabbed his leg. He quickly turned to me with concern and fear in his gaze so I yanked him down to my level by his collar; at some point he had managed to put his shirt on.

"Listen here big boy, you need to calm the fuck down your scaring all the nurses, there are other patients who need peace and quiet and until the contractions are non-stop we don't need Dr Snow here because you went to all the breathing classes with me and you're going to chill the fuck out and help me breath through the next one. We clear?" Blaze just nodded silently as I heard a bunch of chuckles follow my rant. Blaze moved out of my view so that I could see my uncle and cousins, plus my brother and my mum. It was Sione that was being the loudest and didn't even bother trying to hide his chuckles.

"Where's the party?" I try and joke only to have another contraction hit.

"It's okay baby I just need you to breath, copy me." I focused on Blaze's voice and watched him exaggerate his breathing which helped me immensely.

Our foreheads were touching by the end of it, "Thank you Jacob." I gave him a quick kiss before we got interrupted.

"Your room is ready and Dr Snow is 3 minutes away." The nurse then wheeled me to a private room and with Blaze's help situated me onto the bed.

"Jaydon! Do we have daddy under control, I've already heard stories?"

I couldn't help the chuckle that left me, "Yeah, he just panicked for a bit, we got this."

"Good. Now daddy we need you next to mommy over here. You make her as comfortable as you can and you help her breathe, my team and I will do the rest." Blaze just nods as Dr Snow starts directing everyone around my room.


"Come on Jaydon I just need one more big push." I was so fucking exhausted I started crying.

"I can't do it Blaze." I sobbed.

Blaze grabbed my face in between his big palms and pressed our foreheads together, "You are the strongest, most determined and potentially the most emotionally psychotic person I know baby, our kid is not going to stop that. You can do it come just one more push and then we will be able to meet him or her." Blaze's coaching seemed to give me some energy so I pushed and pushed until I heard the first cries of our baby.

I broke down all over again.

"Great job mommy and daddy, you have a healthy baby boy." Dr Snow handed him over after he had been checked and cleaned. I couldn't take my eyes off him, he was perfect, he had all ten fingers and toes and wouldn't stop wriggling which was fucking adorable.

"Do you want to cut the cord daddy?" Jacob moved away from me in a trance and almost like he was on autopilot he cut the cord and then came back to my side to gaze at our baby.

"Do you want to hold him?" I whispered.

Jacob nodded as we carefully handled him between each other; he finally stopped wriggling once he was in Jacob's hands. He fit snug across Jacob's palms his full length the span of Jacob's hands.

"He's so fucking tiny." Blaze whispered.

I gave a watery chuckle as I looked at them both bonding with each other I had never seen Jacob so entranced by something.

When Blaze looked up at me he had tears in his eyes, "Thank you so fucking much for giving me him baby. Thank you so much for never giving up on me."

He leaned forward and pressed our foreheads together. "You can't get rid of me that easily Jacob Michael Webster, we'll talk later about the emotionally psychotic comment though." I whispered back as we kissed softly.

"Can I hold my grandbaby yet?"

"Of course mum, always so fucking eager honestly...." I chuckle as Blaze carefully hands our baby boy over to my mum.

I look up and see Sione at the door along with Ashleigh. I wave them over so they enter the room and both engulf me with hugs.

"Is dad here?" I ask.

"No baby he isn't... I'm sorry."

I sigh in disappointment I should know better than to get my hopes up. "I shouldn't have asked."

"What are you naming the little guy?" Mum asked to change the subject.

Blaze and I had gone over so many baby names for both boys and girls because we wanted it to be a surprise, but for a boy we had settled on Michael after Blaze's father who had died while overseas protecting his country and also after my uncle mum's closest brother who was an amazing person and who had unfortunately died while in jail due to his bitch of an ex.

I gazed at Blaze before looking at my mum, "We were thinking Michael... he could be Mikey for short..."

My mum's eyes instantly filled with tears as she grabbed Michael's little hand, "Hello Michael, I'm your nanny and I love you so very much, you will always feel loved and protected baby boy."

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